Ever found a worm in your food?


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Ew thats gross! :mellow: I would have freaked out.

Get this: One time on the way up to my trailor, my family stopped to pick up some fries to eat. There weren't really any houses/buildings/resturaunts around, but we ended up finding a small. run-down building that sold fries. So we went in there, got our fries, and drove off again. While we were eating, my brother started gagging. He was pulling a long, white hair out of his mouth. o.o; There had been hair in the fries! It was disgusting. We never got fries from tehre again, and my mom often jokes now when we drive past that place, "Want some hair fries?"


ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once my grandpa found a worm in his enchilada and it was still ALIVE!!!!! and i was making a pb&j and i squeezed the jelly and a dead bee came out. and it was MUY GROSSO! let me tell u that.

werent you rachelgotchi with no capitals???? thats what i remember!
Yes, but I changed. :furawatchi:

At Locky: Either way, it was disturbing, also considering I fear cockroaches and the sort.

EWW!Never a worm, but I have found some stuff in my food that wasn't supposed to be there! I've found a bone in my tuna and some chicken nuggets, and my mom once found a huge dead black beetle on some corn. Luckily nobody had eaten the corn. She threw it away, it was sooo gross. I've also found dead gnats in my water, but I always dump the water out, wash the glass thourougly, and not drink out of it again for a looong time lol. My friend's sister found an ant in her apple - and she ATE it!! Ewwww gross!

ehwwww,,,,, this is all so disturbing! :furawatchi: BLEEAHHH. Ahem, so anyway I don't ever recall eating a worm in particular, but one time I found a worm on my toung (no idea how to spell the red thing in the mouth that when you are annoyed you stick it out, that's what I mean by toung) I was pretty sure how it got there is that we had an ant problem in this little crack by the floor. There were ants everywhere and I guess I ate something on the ground and there was a lone ant on the food! XP

I've had two things that happened to me in my lifetime.

When I was about 6 I was eatting corn on the cob when I saw a bug inside the corn dead, I was flipping out. I refused to eat corn on the cob and would only eat it if it was cut away from the cob for some time.

My cousin and I had picked fresh rasberries over someones house and we were eatting them until we noticed the little moving dots all over them. We were eating the tiny little things alive. I threw out what was left and just shrugged. I got a little extra protein in accidently but can't change what happened.

You know some people actualy like eating bugs. There are place that sell things like chocolate covered ants and lollipops with flys in them. (yuck!)


i cant believe it! that you guys got something pop out in something

i never got anything get poped out or anything

nothing like that

Thankfully, no.

I'd scream if I ever did x.x

I have however found a dead bee inside a raspberry. Luckily I saw it before I ate it.

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Well once I was eating a box of pizza shapes (That had been opened already) and I had finished them so i licked my finger and wiped along the bottom to get all of the crumbs and as I raised my finger to my mouth There was a white catterpillar (my dad said it was a moth larvae) sitting on my finger with the crumbs! I SCREAMED as loud as I could and shook my hand vigourously (sp) *shudder* and not too long ago my dad cooked me broccoli from our garden and I was eating it and I saw A little green thing on my plate. I thought it was just a weird bit of broccoli but I looked closer and saw LEGS! It was a dead catterpillar!!!!!! :huh: Now I never eat my dad's home grown vegetables.

One time years ago, I was eatting corn flakes and there were dead bugs found in it o_O;;; so I dumped the box, let my cat drink the milk then I threw that out as well.

Wow, worm?! Ewwww!!! :D

I was once drinking coke, and a fly went in my mouth!!! :D And also, there was a woman who bought a can of peas, and guess what she found- A DEAD FROG!!!!!!!!!! :p How gross?!!! :wacko:

i have never found worms in my food (thank heavens) but at my old middle school, someone said they threw a chicken nugget against the wall... and it bounced like rubber. i was all like "i'm glad i don't buy my lunch"

Wow, worm?! Ewwww!!! :( I was once drinking coke, and a fly went in my mouth!!! :angry: And also, there was a woman who bought a can of peas, and guess what she found- A DEAD FROG!!!!!!!!!! ;) How gross?!!! :(
Wow. She should of totally reported it to the company. I read somewhere once at KFC someone found a deep fried chicken head in their chicken XD

It's quite interesting to read all these bug-in-food accounts. I guess it's a good thing that eating bugs are actually good for us! ;)

While I will certainly eat the same kind of noodles in the future, I definitely won't be eating that package again! :( Has anyone seen or heard about the specialty restaraunt in California(I think) that makes and sells all sorts of meals with cooked bugs in them? It's supposedly quite popular, especially dishes like Mealworm-Covered Candy Apple and Scorpion Salad. They use whole cooked bugs in their foods, and some(such as the scorpions) are rather large. People say they taste good, it is really is healthy for you. Although I have tried eating certain cooked bugs before, it's not really my thing. Especially in a bowl of slippery noodles. :angry: :(

... not too long ago my dad cooked me broccoli from our garden and I was eating it and I saw A little green thing on my plate. I thought it was just a weird bit of broccoli but I looked closer and saw LEGS! It was a dead catterpillar!!!!!! :angry: Now I never eat my dad's home grown vegetables.
LOL ;)

That has happened to me several times with home grown brocoli... I think it's kind of sad for the little green caterpillar to have been "gently steamed" to death for 10 minutes :(

At least you know where your veg came from and what pesticides and chemicals (if any) have been sprayed on it...

I just shrug and pick out the steamed bugs and get on with enjoying the fresh tasty veg... I don't mind if I get a bit of extra protein :(

It's quite interesting to read all these bug-in-food accounts. I guess it's a good thing that eating bugs are actually good for us! :lol:
While I will certainly eat the same kind of noodles in the future, I definitely won't be eating that package again! :D Has anyone seen or heard about the specialty restaraunt in California(I think) that makes and sells all sorts of meals with cooked bugs in them? It's supposedly quite popular, especially dishes like Mealworm-Covered Candy Apple and Scorpion Salad. They use whole cooked bugs in their foods, and some(such as the scorpions) are rather large. People say they taste good, it is really is healthy for you. Although I have tried eating certain cooked bugs before, it's not really my thing. Especially in a bowl of slippery noodles. :mellow: :lol:
Oh my gosh- I'm off to calfornia!!! *packs suitcase and goes to resteraunt* "Ah, yes, I'll I've the cooked slug!!!!!!" *eats it* Uhh, I agree, not my thing..... :lol:

No, I quite frankly would puke if I sawa worm or aything in my food that didnt belong. I heard someone found a finger in their Chili at Wendy's

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