Ethan's Tama-Go Log


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Sunday, January 30, 7:45 PM

Shelltchi's Stats: 1 yr, 23 lb, 4 hungry <3, 4 happy <3, 11 train, 6 dark friendship <3, 4 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi)

I gotta find a way to make her friendship hearts empty some. Her training is alright, but I'd like to get it up to 12. That's a little risky, though, 'cause I don't want to go over. It'll be a close call. :(

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Shelltchi's Stats: 1 yr, 21 lb, 4 hungry <3, 4 happy <3, 12 train, 6 dark friendship <3, 4 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi)

I did it! I got her training to 12/15. Now all I have to do is get her frendship hearts to fall a bit. Any suggestions on how to do this?

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Monday, January 31, 7:59 AM

Shelltchi's Stats: 2 yr, 22 lb, 4 hungry <3, 4 happy <3, 12 train, 5 dark & 1 medium-dark friendship <3, 4 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi)

As you can see, I was able to make Shelltchi's friendship hearts fall a tiny bit, but not quite enough. I'd still appreciate some suggestions. Feel free to post them here :blink:

Could I still get Chamametchi, a good care tama, if I let Shelltchi poop and get sick from it once? What do y'all think? :huh:

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Monday, January 31, 4:58 PM

Violetchi's Stats: 2 yr, 25 lb, 4 hungry <3, 4 happy <3, 13 train, 5 dark & 1 medium-dark friendship <3, 4 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi)

:mellow: Holy f***ing s**t, I got ANOTHER Violetchi. I just can't seem to get past the line that divides excellent care from good care. It's very fragile. But seriously, Lovelitchi is an excellent care tama too, so why couldn't I get her instead of ANOTHER Violetchi? That's 3 in a row now! :angry: I'm fed up with this, so if this Violetchi's baby is a girl, I'm going to try and get Kunoitchi next, who is a horrible care character, so I can't possibly get a Violetchi #4.

I won't bother posting anything about this Violetchi. I've posted so much information about Violetchis already that y'all shouldn't feel deprived.

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I got an Ichigotchi figure! Ichigotchi owns a bread restaurant.

I also got a Tamagotchi Music Star, and for only 5 bucks! I have a Petitchi on it right now, and I want her to become a Mimitchi. I won't make a log for this one, though.

Violetchi married a Kikitchi. I hope they have a boy this time, because I want to marry my Tama-Go with my Music Star. Right now, I have a newly evolved Chamametchi paused on my Music Star. I'll un-pause her when my Tama-Go baby becomes a teen so that they'll be at the same point in their growth.

BTW, whenever I list the names of the gotchi figures I own, the "mametchi" figure is uncapitalized because it was the figure that came with my Tama-Go. If the name of a gotchi figure is capitalized, then it is a bought figure.

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Violetchi and Kikitchi had a boy last night! Yay! I'm gonna try for a Shimashimatchi.

Now if there was only a way to make the parents leave sooner than TWO MORE DAYS!! :eek:

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Tuesday, February 8, 7:55 AM

Kinotchi's Stats: 0 yr, 5 lb, 3 hungry <3, 3 happy <3, 0 train, 0 friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

I've started taking care of Kinotchi this morning. He should turn into a toddler while I'm at school today. I'm going to use my growth chart to raise him to become a Shimashimatchi. Shimashimatchi's the cutest male tama! :3

Tuesday, February 8, 1:41 PM

Mattaritchi's Stats: 0 yr, 56 lb, 1 hungry <3, 4 happy <3, 4 train, 5 dark & 1 medium-dark friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

Kinotchi turned into a Mattaritchi. As you can see, I've been fattening him up. Actually, I fed him so much milk that he reached 99 lbs (I wanted to see how heavy he could get.) I then had to play tons of games to bring his weight down into the "okay care" range, and this made his happy and friendship hearts go through the roof. So now I have to find a way to make them drop considerably. Please feel free to post any suggestions on how to do this, 'cause I got nothin'.

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Tuesday, February 8, 5:46 PM

Mattaritchi's Stats: 0 yr, 55 lb, 3 hungry <3, 3 happy <3, 6 train, 6 dark friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

I just missed my chance to further potty-train Mattaritchi. Oh well!

We played Manhole with my Violetchi figure earlier. Mattaritchi made a :3 face during the game. I now consider him to be quite cute (in a quirky way.)

I still need help with lowering his friendship. PLEASE POST YOUR SUGGESTIONS!!

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Wednesday, February 8, 2:05 PM

Kilalatchi's Stats: 1 yr, 60 lb, 4 hungry <3, 2 happy <3, 8 train, 6 dark friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

Mattaritchi evolved into a Kilalatchi, which means I'm treating him too well. So he has 3 piles of poo next to him (he's still not sick.) I'm hoping that sickness will bring his friendship down, 'cause that's what caused him to evolve into a Kilalatchi (good care.) Shimashimatchi's an okay care adult character.

Why isn't anyone posting suggestions on how to drop his friendship? There have been over 200 views on my log, and not ONE of y'all can help me? Come on, guys.

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Wednesday, February 9, 4:23 PM

Kilalatchi's Stats: 1 yr, 58 lb, 3 hungry <3, 3 happy <3, 9 train, 5 dark & 1 medium-dark friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

Kilalatchi and I recruited a band member on TamaTown a while ago. I also bought Kilalatchi a baseball uniform.

I've connected my Tama-Go with my Music Star a lot today, and Kilalatchi is now best friends with my Music Star's Chamametchi. They should become lovers when I connect them as adults.

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Thursday, February 10, 2:48 PM

Kikitchi's Stats: 2 yr, 58 lb, 5 hungry <3, 3 happy <3, 9 train, 6 dark friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

Good thing Kikitchi's cute, or else I would have been mad. Actually, Kikitchi is probably my second favorite adult male. Kikitchi's a good care male, so his high friendship as a Kilalatchi must have caused him to evolve into a Kikitchi. I'll try harder the next time I get a boy tama.

My Music Star's Chamametchi just became a Mimitchi (yay!), and I plan on mating her with Kikitchi ASAP. But for now, it's TamaTown time!

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Friday, February 11, 1:16 PM

Kikitchi's Stats: 3 yr, 59 lb, 5 hungry <3, 0 happy <3, 9 train, 6 dark friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

If you're wondering why Kiki's happy hearts are empty, it's because he was completely dominated by my Music Star's Mimitchi in all the games they played together ^_^

Kiki and I were playing with my Violetchi figure earlier, and we tried using the Cherry Blossom item. It grew into a boring tree, but nothing happened at all (Kiki even made a bored-sounding beep.) Is the Cherry Blossom item completely useless, or what? We also tried out the money tree, but the seed pod that opens up was empty again (so cheap!)

I wonder what age two tama's have to be to get married to each other. Do any of y'all know?

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Saturday, February 12, 10:16 AM

Kikitchi's Stats: 4 yr, 58 lb, 5 hungry <3, 5 happy <3, 9 train, 6 dark friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

Kiki and I tried another money tree, but it was empty again. EPIC FAIL!! :p

I think I might start posting pictures when Kiki and Mimitchi have babies together. I don't know exactly how to, though...

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Monday, February 14, 2:34 PM

Kikitchi's Stats: 6 yr, 58 lb, 5 hungry <3, 5 happy <3, 9 train, 5 dark & 1 medium-dark friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

I'm going to start posting pictures that I take with my Nintendo DSi.


Kikitchi (right) and Mimitchi (left) had twin babies this morning! Kikitchi got a girl and Mimitchi got a boy, which was weird because I thought the babies were always the same gender. I guess they were fraternal twins this time! ^_^

I'm going to try and get Marotchi on my Tama-Go once Kikitchi leaves. I like Marotchi because she looks like a Geisha to me.

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Tuesday, February 15, 6:18 PM

Kikitchi's Stats: 7 yr, 57 lb, 5 hungry <3, 5 happy <3, 9 train, 5 dark & 1 light friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

Kikitchi and Nokotchi went potty by themselves! That was wierd, because Kiki used to poop on the ground before he had Nokotchi (and his training hasn't changed either.

I bought a white and gold Japanese Angelgotchi on eBay! XD It'll be a while before I get it.


My Tama-Go, Gotchi Figures, and Tama-Go carrying case


Kikitchi and Nokotchi just chilling :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2:27 PM

Belltchi's Stats: 0 yr, 32 lb, 2 hungry <3, 2 happy <3, 1 train, 1 light friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

Kikitchi left last night, and I'm now taking care of his daughter. She evolved into a Belltchi soon after I got to school today. Since Marotchi is a bad care adult, I'm gradually increasing Belltchi's weight. In other words, I'm feeding her only Pork & Beans and Milk until her weight is heavy-ish (about 64 pounds.) I'm also going to keep her training between 4 and 6 bars.

Belltchi's twin brother turned into a Kuribotchi. I'm going to have both of them marry through the Matchmaker and the Dating Place, 'cause it would just be weird if they married each other (incest! :p )

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Thursday, February 17, 7:59 AM

Belltchi's Stats: 1 yr, 52 lb, 2 hungry <3, 2 happy <3, 4 train, 1 dark & 1 light friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

Just a quick update on Belltchi before she turns into a teenager at school today. Her training and friendship are just right, so hopefully I can keep them that way before she becomes an adult tomorrow. Wish me luck on getting a Marotchi! :)

Thursday, February 17, 1:49 PM

Shelltchi's Stats: 1 yr, 73 lb, 3 hungry <3, 1 happy <3, 5 train, 1 dark & 1 light friendship <3, 5 gotchi figures (mametchi, Violetchi, Chamametchi, Ringotchi, Ichigotchi)

Honestly, I have no idea why Belltchi turned into a Shelltchi. Maybe I was treating her too well? In that case, I'm going to ignore Shelltchi for a while and make her beep for me a couple of times just for good (or should I say bad) measure :D

The good news is that I can get the Shelltchi doll on TamaTown now. I didn't get one the other times I had a Shelltchi 'cause I didn't know how to. TamaTown awaits!

2:41 PM

I wasn't able to get the Shelltchi doll. I wonder why? I learned from somebody on TamaTalk that she was one of the dolls you could get. I guess that person was wrong.

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