Ethan`s Entama growth log


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Gen. 1 Memetchi♥: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Memetchi - Mated with Omiai the Tarakotchi


Gen. 2 Yasashii: Kuchiotchi > Kuchipotchi > Young Kuchipatchi > Kuchipatchi > Nonbiritchi - Mated with Omiai the Sebinetchi


Gen. 3 Tarakotchi: Kuchiotchi > Kuchipotchi > Young Kuchipatchi > Tarakotchi - Mated with Omiai the Meidotchi


Gen. 4 Kashikosa: Mameotchi > Mamebotchi > Young Mametchi > Mametchi > Tensaitchi - Mated with Omiai the Mimitchi


Gen. 5 Mimitchi♥: Mamekotchi > Mimipetchi > Young Mimitchi > Mimitchi - Mated with Omiai the Togetchi


Gen. 6 Togetchi: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Togetchi - Mated with Omiai the Furawatchi


Gen. 7 Shima: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Shimashimatchi - Used Hatenazoku coupon 1


Gen. 8 Anna♥: Hatenatchi > Meganetchi > Ohigetchi > Nekutaitchi - Mated with Omiai the Tosakatchi


Gen. 9 Makiko: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Memetchi > Makiko - Mated with Omiai the Robotchi


Gen. 10 Tosakatchi: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Tosakatchi - Used Hatenazoku coupon 2


Gen. 11 Mia: Hatenatchi > Getatchi > Rakugotchi > Kabukitchi - Mated with Omiai the Zukyutchi


Gen. 12 Zukyutchi: Mameotchi > Mamebotchi > Young Mametchi > Zukyutchi - Mated with Omiai the Memetchi


Gen. 13 Furawatchi: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Furawatchi - Mated with Omiai the Tarakotchi


Gen. 14 Yattatchi: Kuchikotchi > Kuchipetchi

Gen. 1 Memetchi♥: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Memetchi - Mated with Omiai the Tarakotchi


Gen. 2 Yasashii: Kuchiotchi > Kuchipotchi > Young Kuchipatchi > Kuchipatchi > Nonbiritchi - Mated with Omiai the Sebinetchi


Gen. 3 Tarakotchi: Kuchiotchi > Kuchipotchi > Young Kuchipatchi > Tarakotchi - Mated with Omiai the Meidotchi


Gen. 4 Kashikosa: Mameotchi > Mamebotchi > Young Mametchi > Mametchi > Tensaitchi - Mated with Omiai the Mimitchi


Gen. 5 Mimitchi♥: Mamekotchi > Mimipetchi > Young Mimitchi > Mimitchi - Mated with Omiai the Togetchi


Gen. 6 Togetchi: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Togetchi - Mated with Omiai the Furawatchi


Gen. 7 Shima: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Shimashimatchi - Used Hatenazoku coupon 1


Gen. 8 Anna♥: Hatenatchi > Meganetchi > Ohigetchi > Nekutaitchi - Mated with Omiai the Tosakatchi


Gen. 9 Makiko: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Memetchi > Makiko - Mated with Omiai the Robotchi


Gen. 10 Tosakatchi: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Tosakatchi - Used Hatenazoku coupon 2


Gen. 11 Mia: Hatenatchi > Getatchi > Rakugotchi > Kabukitchi - Mated with Omiai the Zukyutchi


Gen. 12 Zukyutchi: Mameotchi > Mamebotchi > Young Mametchi > Zukyutchi - Mated with Omiai the Memetchi


Gen. 13 Furawatchi: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Furawatchi - Mated with Omiai the Tarakotchi


Gen. 14 Yattatchi: Kuchikotchi > Kuchipetchi > Young Dorotchi > Yattatchi - Mated with Omiai the Shimashimatchi


Gen. 15 Sebiretchi: Kuchikotchi > Kuchipetchi

Gen. 1 Memetchi♥: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Memetchi - Mated with Omiai the Tarakotchi


Gen. 2 Yasashii: Kuchiotchi > Kuchipotchi > Young Kuchipatchi > Kuchipatchi > Nonbiritchi - Mated with Omiai the Sebinetchi


Gen. 3 Tarakotchi: Kuchiotchi > Kuchipotchi > Young Kuchipatchi > Tarakotchi - Mated with Omiai the Meidotchi


Gen. 4 Kashikosa: Mameotchi > Mamebotchi > Young Mametchi > Mametchi > Tensaitchi - Mated with Omiai the Mimitchi


Gen. 5 Mimitchi♥: Mamekotchi > Mimipetchi > Young Mimitchi > Mimitchi - Mated with Omiai the Togetchi


Gen. 6 Togetchi: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Togetchi - Mated with Omiai the Furawatchi


Gen. 7 Shima: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Shimashimatchi - Used Hatenazoku coupon 1


Gen. 8 Anna♥: Hatenatchi > Meganetchi > Ohigetchi > Nekutaitchi - Mated with Omiai the Tosakatchi


Gen. 9 Makiko: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Memetchi > Makiko - Mated with Omiai the Robotchi


Gen. 10 Tosakatchi: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Tosakatchi - Used Hatenazoku coupon 2


Gen. 11 Mia: Hatenatchi > Getatchi > Rakugotchi > Kabukitchi - Mated with Omiai the Zukyutchi


Gen. 12 Zukyutchi: Mameotchi > Mamebotchi > Young Mametchi > Zukyutchi - Mated with Omiai the Memetchi


Gen. 13 Furawatchi: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Furawatchi - Mated with Omiai the Tarakotchi


Gen. 14 Yattatchi: Kuchikotchi > Kuchipetchi > Young Dorotchi > Yattatchi - Mated with Omiai the Shimashimatchi


Gen. 15 Sebiretchi: Kuchikotchi > Kuchipetchi > Young Dorotchi > Sebiretchi - Mated with Omiai the Kuchipatchi


Gen. 16 Minotchi*: Kuchiotchi > Kuchipotchi > Young Kuchipatchi > Minotchi - Mated with Omiai the Mimitchi


Gen. 17 Robotchi*: Mameotchi > Mamebotchi > Young Mametchi > Robotchi - Mated with Omiai the Mimitchi


Gen. 18 SamaHati: Mamekotchi > Mimipetchi > Young Mimitchi > Meidotchi - Mated with Omiai the Tosakatchi


Gen. 19 Abi: Memeputchi > Memepetchi

Gen. 1 Memetchi♥: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Memetchi - Mated with Omiai the Tarakotchi


Gen. 2 Yasashii: Kuchiotchi > Kuchipotchi > Young Kuchipatchi > Kuchipatchi > Nonbiritchi - Mated with Omiai the Sebinetchi


Gen. 3 Tarakotchi: Kuchiotchi > Kuchipotchi > Young Kuchipatchi > Tarakotchi - Mated with Omiai the Meidotchi


Gen. 4 Kashikosa: Mameotchi > Mamebotchi > Young Mametchi > Mametchi > Tensaitchi - Mated with Omiai the Mimitchi


Gen. 5 Mimitchi♥: Mamekotchi > Mimipetchi > Young Mimitchi > Mimitchi - Mated with Omiai the Togetchi


Gen. 6 Togetchi: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Togetchi - Mated with Omiai the Furawatchi


Gen. 7 Shima: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Shimashimatchi - Used Hatenazoku Coupon 1


Gen. 8 Anna♥: Hatenatchi > Meganetchi > Ohigetchi > Nekutaitchi - Mated with Omiai the Tosakatchi


Gen. 9 Makiko: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Memetchi > Makiko - Mated with Omiai the Robotchi


Gen. 10 Tosakatchi: Memeotchi > Memebotchi > Gurumetchi > Tosakatchi - Used Hatenazoku Coupon 2


Gen. 11 Mia: Hatenatchi > Getatchi > Rakugotchi > Kabukitchi - Mated with Omiai the Zukyutchi


Gen. 12 Zukyutchi: Mameotchi > Mamebotchi > Young Mametchi > Zukyutchi - Mated with Omiai the Memetchi


Gen. 13 Furawatchi: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Young Memetchi > Furawatchi - Mated with Omiai the Tarakotchi


Gen. 14 Yattatchi: Kuchikotchi > Kuchipetchi > Young Dorotchi > Yattatchi - Mated with Omiai the Shimashimatchi


Gen. 15 Sebiretchi: Kuchikotchi > Kuchipetchi > Young Dorotchi > Sebiretchi - Mated with Omiai the Kuchipatchi


Gen. 16 Minotchi*: Kuchiotchi > Kuchipotchi > Young Kuchipatchi > Minotchi - Mated with Omiai the Mimitchi


Gen. 17 Robotchi*: Mameotchi > Mamebotchi > Young Mametchi > Robotchi - Mated with Omiai the Mimitchi


Gen. 18 SamaHati: Mamekotchi > Mimipetchi > Young Mimitchi > Meidotchi - Mated with Omiai the Tosakatchi


Gen. 19 Abi: Memeputchi > Memepetchi > Ichigotchi > Ponitchi - Used Hatenazoku Coupon 3


Gen. 20 Nina♥: Hatenatchi > Okutchi > Shiripuritchi > Ashitchi - Mated with Omiai the Mametchi


Gen. 21 Marotchi: Mamekotchi > Mimipetchi > Young Mimitchi > Marotchi - Mated with Omiai the Mametchi


Gen. 22 Mametchi: Mameotchi > Mamebotchi > Young Mametchi > Mametchi


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