Err. Yea


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2007
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Christchurch New Zealand
Worms. Like the intestinal ones.

How can you tell if you have them? What can you do if you have them?

Mum said I could get worms from my dog and I don't want to have them living in me. I don't know if I have them [Hopes not] I tried to bring it up with my mum, it was awkward and she ended up making jokes about them.

I saw something on TV the other day about them and I don't want that!

[Can you get human anti-worming tablets?]

Please. So my peace of minds sake.

Yes, your Mum is right. In theory, you can catch worms from dogs - but it's pretty unusual.

The eggs of the worms catch on their fur and if you stroke them and then transfer them to your mouth - thumb sucking or eating food without washing your hands first, you can ingest them.

However, there is no point in obsessing about IF you MIGHT have them.

If you feel fine and have no stomach problems then don't worry about it, really.

If you have an exceeding itchy, painful butt that doesn't clear up with a normal, good hygiene routine after about 10 days, then maybe you should go to the doc - ha ha - you would anyway - even if you didn't have a dog :)

Dogs can be fed de-worming tablets to keep them clear.

Humans can also take (different) de-worming tablets - but they should be prescribed by a doctor, because you'll probably need to have the worm identified first. There are different types of worm that can live in the bowel. You'd need to take the right tablets ;)

Like I said. You are unlikely to catch them from your dog. So chill :)

My dad says that when my dog licks me imight get worms from it even though they both take deworming tablets. lol. i worry about the same things as you but if u did have worms,i think you'd know by know

Do you mean like those worms that live in your gut??

If so, you can take tablets for those. They taste like strawberry. =3

(I had them when I was younger, it only lasted a couple of days and then they went).

^^ Ooh. Strawberry. What do you mean by 'They went'?
If I did have worms and took a tablet what would happen to the worm? Would it come out when I went to the toilet?
The worm would die, then the next time you went to the washroom it would come out. It is highly unlikely that you have worms though, as long as your dog is cared for and has had the pills to stop worms it shouldn't get any.

You won't get worms from your dog if your dog doesn't have them, obviously...

I don't know how your dog would get worms but it could happen.I read alot about worms when i take my dog to the vet.What kind of worms are you talking about.Thre are different ones.

^^ Ooh. Strawberry. What do you mean by 'They went'?
If I did have worms and took a tablet what would happen to the worm? Would it come out when I went to the toilet?
I know, strawberries rock! x3

When I said, "They went," I mean that they all died after a couple of days.

Then, yes, they come out in your -ahem- and you don't even notice! =3

Theres so many of them! [Not in me that I know of, but types]

Many could damage me and go unnoticed.

I know some one who had ring worm but ring worm is very easy to spot.

Is there precautionary medicines out there? [i would try home remedies but the easiest one has things i'm allergic to in it]

Yeah, it is possible to get worms from dogs. De-worming is pretty easy. But common myth is that if a dog licks you, you can get worms. I find that highly unlikely. I have a dog and I find it hard for intestinal parasites getting transferred from the intestines to the mouth then to your skin. Also, if you don't go around eating or touching your dog's feces you are pretty safe from worms. But other animals can get worms. Animals such as horses, cats and donkeys can get them too if you don't keep them on a proper de-worming schedule. It's de-worming week at my stable. MESSY! So if you are around other animals and are uber worried about worms, just ask about their de-worming schedule. On end note, it is hard to get intestinal worms unless you eat or touch animal 'scat'; without washing your hands afterwords.

Worms. Like the intestinal ones.
How can you tell if you have them? What can you do if you have them?

Mum said I could get worms from my dog and I don't want to have them living in me. I don't know if I have them [Hopes not] I tried to bring it up with my mum, it was awkward and she ended up making jokes about them.

I saw something on TV the other day about them and I don't want that!

[Can you get human anti-worming tablets?]

Please. So my peace of minds sake.
You can get them from dogs IF (big word) it has worms. You can also get worms from eat raw stuff like sushi. Ask your doctor if your having, say, a few stomach pains here and there or you're eating a lot but not gaining any weight. Worms eat your food.


^^ Yaa. Not sushi. Theres reasons i'll never touch the stuff.

All my life i've eaten heaps and never gained weight [except for obviously growing up taller and hips, ****s etc]

It was ruled super speed metabolism.

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