wait wait... I thought divorce was sinful? And if it is carried out, the divorced people are supposed to live the rest of their lives alone? Never heard that 2nd part before.God doesn't want divorced people to remarry
wait wait... I thought divorce was sinful? And if it is carried out, the divorced people are supposed to live the rest of their lives alone? Never heard that 2nd part before.God doesn't want divorced people to remarry
[Yes divorce is a sin according many churches. According to those churches, divorced people are not supposed to remarry because it is a form of adultery.]wait wait... I thought divorce was sinful? And if it is carried out, the divorced people are supposed to live the rest of their lives alone? Never heard that 2nd part before.
Jesus said the following(Luke 16:18):wait wait... I thought divorce was sinful? And if it is carried out, the divorced people are supposed to live the rest of their lives alone? Never heard that 2nd part before.
It's totally me isn't it Stephen we're like best buddies five-ever aren't we ol' buddy ol' pal gimme five manAnd, yes, I know a lesbian person(online) quite well. I know she is very friendly and she knows my views too.
That...But when we get to the talk about liking someone who's straight...That's gonna be painful. And he currently does really really like a straight guy. I don't want to break it to him.
I sorta have to agree with you--most people only seem to get married nowadays for the legal aspects, the tax deductions, and sometimes for bad purposes, such as 'gold-digging' and having the intention of taking away their spouse's house, car, etc. I don't know of a lot who do it for religious purposes and few who do it for real love. Some have done it to just finally move out of their parents' house, too. So yes, I will say that it's lost a lot of the ideal meaning people have given it before.Personally (and I know a LOT of people are going to be annoyed with what I'm going to say) I think marriage in general is stupid. If you love the person you're with (be it man or woman, same sex or different) you don't need to have a separate title to show that.
It would make everything far more equal too. I a few gay couple who are in civil partnerships and they have said how it feels like they are different and don't deserve the title of being 'wed'.
Yoggs, I definitely see where you're coming from. The value of marriage does seem like it's on a decline.Marriage recently (yes, I know I'm only 14I mean generally) is less about the person you love and more about who can have the better venue or reception. The better food and more people attending. There are tv shows about woman having weddings one after the other and judging them on their dress, atmosphere etc. I know everyone has a feeling of wanting to have the better of something, or be better at something and it has been this since the human race began but it is far worse in recent times.
It's almost like it has lost all meaning to it. Personally (and I know a LOT of people are going to be annoyed with what I'm going to say) I think marriage in general is stupid. If you love the person you're with (be it man or woman, same sex or different) you don't need to have a separate title to show that.
It would make everything far more equal too. I a few gay couple who are in civil partnerships and they have said how it feels like they are different and don't deserve the title of being 'wed'.