Oh yeah, I remember one!
About...2 months ago? The princable(sp) was in the class room with my evil teacher and my teacher, Ms. Cathy said that I was 'sweet on' a boy in my class named Max O-O She said "Michaela (me) is sweet on Max" so the princable(sp) started going all "Ooh! Michaela likes Max! You know, their cheeks always flare up when they see each other!"
and this is me "O_X (thinks) Omg this is not happening...maybe if I don't say anything no-one will keep poking it at me..." Meanwhile everyone was looking at me and laughing and I'm not sure what Max was doing... I could feel my cheeks heating-up O.O That was the first time someone of that athority said anything about me like that in public. And in front of everyone too! I felt so weird and I wanted to kill Ms. Cathy ^_^ That was the worst day of my life... O-O