Ahh.. yes they are nasty things. Working with kids is like a health hazard to your head when it comes to lice!
I've experienced the joys a few times as a kid and a few times as an adult dealing with kids in the karate environment - hugs are lovely but very unsafe!
If you have long hair, keep it all tied up and back away. The less area there is to access, the better. Also avoid borrowing other people's hats and combs - don't trust them just because they say "I don't have nits or anything".
If you do get them, it isn't the end of the world. You don't need to go through the whole nasty lice treatment either. Get some conditioner, tea tree oil and a fine tooth comb and you'll be all set for dealing with them. They don't like tea tree oil to start with and the conditioner causes the eggs to become unstuck, making them easy to brush out with the comb. A few treatments that will get you rocking and rolling without the nasty smelly stuff.
in m jonior skwl there was agirl who had one she also ha att the othe discusting things
now i am in high skwl n there is 2 girs :'( one has warts aswell and the other 1 just has ice n stinks n everythin but i dont wot to be rude but i try my best to stay away from them.
Luckily I've never had lice, except my sister did when she was in Kindergarden. It was horrible >_> I hope I never get lice. It gets all scratchy. When you have lice, all you do with your hands is scratch your head. If it is in the middle of school, you might be the center of attention due to scratching