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NU!!!!!!>:U I LIKE SPAM!
Ah......spam is relaxing....did you know I bathe in it?
LOLのso101isfunは、"Hi"が日本で非常に長い言葉です! ****はGoogle Translateは、英語にso101isfunの日本語の文章を翻訳するために使用され
Pokemon is awesome!Oooh..... I want to jump into that volcano too!
Stop spamming!`1234567890-=QWERTYUIOP[]\ASDFGHJKL;'ZXCVBNM,./ /*-789456+123
You must be a troolllll O.OGo spamming!
U R SO RaNdOm! Lick mE!You must be a Chocklate omehehe!!!! I smash Chocklats.
(And eat trolls.)
my homework tried to kill me, I stepped on it and It sent me skidding across the room!You'r so ramdon, I LICK UUU!
Your turn!
Uh-huh.I do not dislike baked dishes which usually are made of a pastry dough casing that covers or completely contains a filling of various sweet or savoury ingredients.
I ate some of the slime I found near the toxic waste dump and now I glow!
Ehh... I wouldn't eat that if I were you. :|hey this mushy chocolate stuff on the sidewalk looks good and the easter dog dropped it![]()