Says you.Zexion is very very very very very more attractive than XaldinOMG YOU LIKE HIM?!?!?!Xaldin is sooooo better!!!!!!
I'm sorry you feel that way.Says me.I am very very very very very more ugly than Xaldin
HAVE YOU NO SHAME!!!!!I even gave you Honest Critisim.I'm not sorry you feel that way.
I have a butt, thank you very much.Have you no butt, I gave you honest gfkdjalfdkjaflkdasism.
... (Larxene:I don't get it) Yay! Larxene is back *hugs Larxene*I don't have a butt, your welcome very much.
YES! DEAD! WOOH!... (Larxene: *dies*) Yay! Larxene is dead *drags Larxene into a ditch*
(Axel:*gives Larxene a potion that makes her alive*) EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNOO! DEAD!I LOVED LARXENE!
Larxene is a girl?(Axel:*gives Larxene a potion that makes her dead*) EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
It appreas that you have bad hearing (Axel: a.k.a. SHE SAID NO!)But I thought you were a boy.
Thats it! I'm going to cookie land! *gose to cookie land*But I thought she was a BOY?????
DKJflkdajfldksajfdklsaj WhateverThats it! I'm going to fd;alfdjlsakjfdklasfd land! *gose to fd;alfdjlsakjfdklasfd land*