I love netball, it is an awesome sport![SIZE=21pt]im lyk sew kewl rite? i luv 2 tiep in teh n00b speek![/SIZE]
I am going to go somewhere else...[SIZE=21pt]I LOVE TO EAT NETBALLS! THEY ARE AN AWESOME FOOD![/SIZE]
I just got Now 75 guys! Its awesome! Hey, aren't you just loving Starstrukk?Oooh, do spam pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!
Um... Okay???SHOOP DA WOOP! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!! PARTY TIME AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friends MY FRIENDS!It has spoken!:
Would you get to your point, please?You have offended the - Ooh, cupcakes! I love cupcakes and ice-cream and I can bjuy all of that because I have $10000000000000000000!!!!!! What was I saying? Oh, yes, you have offended - MORE CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know, it's really awesome right? But you're a n00b...my sisters keeper is lyk THe most awesomest movie eva! ill luv it 4eva nd eva!!!!!!