I'm so bored and I have nothing to say.Yes,yes,yes!!! Come on,die on me. Come on!
Rofl means: ROLLING ON FLAMMING LLAMASWhen did we sart throwing up pizza?Cheese doesn't like to see this.
EW! Now,I can't eat my food,I've been put off it. Unless I wanted to make myself vomit. Which is a no.LOL means:Lick old lollipops.Me and my friends call out,Lick old lollipops that have grown mould and have dead cats hair covered with it.
Excuse me? I cannot understand what you're saying. Proper grammar and spelling, please!hao cud u guyz actuly liek pi. I meen, itz sooo diskusting. U siken me. Im goin 2 anuthr room, away frum u guyz. Im guna puk bcuz uv u, u no dat, rite?
How could you? I FEEL OFFENDED.Blecck, how could you?. My toilet man the leader!! -throws pie in face and DIES PLus, !m cool like that.![]()
America runs on dunkins, yet Canadians spit on it. Thats why I love Canada so much.How couldn't he!? I WANT DUNKINS!
O: Hey!!! I'm Canadian, too you know! >_>Excuse me!!!?How very rude!! I'mma set the prime minister on you!
Okay, good for you.I've told you time and time again. I am an alien from mgfijjngfibif land.
Okay, if that translation wasn't there, I wouldn't have understood what that first part said. Can you translate the bottom part for me?R'n zm zorvm uiln Nzih!!!!(Translation: I'm an alien form Mars!!!!)
Shemales are the most dumest thing invented.Noooon xDI licked him/her. ITS A SHEMALE.