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OMG. Person under me, I am your slave.
Oh, thanks! Now could you please...hmmm...get me two ice cream sundaes made with all the ice cream flavors imaginable with root beer flavored candy on top, force Barsuk Records to get me the 3rd Smoosh album before it's even on sale, and buy me a convertible? Thank you, I would totally appreciate it.

Oh, no thanks! Now could you please...hmmm...wait two Sundays then me imagine some ice cream whilst having beer flavored candy all stuck to your top, force Barsuk Records to smash up 3 of my albums before I've even listened to them, and buy me a car roof but no car? Thank you, I would totally appreciate it. If you get me these things then I will call you .:Charm:. for the rest of your life!
I'll smash up your CDs for you!

This game is fun!

Poo Pah Moo Mah

Noo Nah

Goo Gah

Koo Kah

Soo Sah

Too Tah

Loo Lah

Qoo Qah

Woo Wah

Eoo Eah

Roo Rah

Yoo Yah

Uoo Uah

Ioo Iah

Aoo Aah

Doo Dah

Foo Fah

Hoo Hah

Joo Jah

Loo Lah

Zoo Zah

Xoo Xah

Coo Cah

Voo Vah

Boo Bah
Are you feeling okay?

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