YEAH WELL I HATE YOU TOO! go eat some dookie you peepee wetter!you smell like dookie! i hate you!!!
eww! *slaps you* i hate you! *beats you up*i want some ice cream! I can make some myself! *poops on vanilla ice cream* i made chocolate ice cream! want some? *shoves in your face*
OOOOH YAAAY! BACON LAND! LETS GO LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i like bacon too. lets go to bacon land to get some bacon!!!!!!!
OMG OF COURSE!!!!!!! I LUFF YOU NICK!!!!!!!!!Hey,This is Nick Jonas
I wanted to ask Wine_Deer to be my girlfriend.
ooooh now that was mean you're ugly and stupid id never go out with you nick jonas! consider yourself rejected by wine_deer!
ewww don't sniff her butt!its smelly? *sniffs butt* oh your right your butt is smelly!