eBay shipping problem


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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2012
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I ordered my Tamagotchi iD L on August 2nd and now it was located in New York, New York(ISC NEW YORK NY USPS). It was tracked in New York on August 07, 2012, 9:28 pm. I live in New Jersey, and it has been 2 days since it was in New York. Its status is "Processed Through Sort Facility" (Means it was processed through a machine and it was sorted and as passes through the machines, a record of the mail is created and tracking information is sent out) and it should've been at my door & shipped to me that day. Its already been two days and i'm starting to get a little upset and anxious waiting for my iD L to come. Any suggestions I could do?


- TamaTamatchi

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Customs. Mine Take a few days to get out of New York... Many times, I find they update it slowly. That is a busy customs area. They tend to look at items more carefully...

Its not the users issue. It would only make it slower making an inquiry about it. Its a cutsom thing... At their own pace. I believe a Japanese holiday is comming so they are probably shipping more too. Since no mail goes out on that week. Think the Golden Week, but I might have my months messed up a tad. Its somewhere in our late summer or fall...

Yup, my months got messed up. Thats the end of April to the first week of May. Golden Week... Derrr.... To me.

Customs can take up to a week... I had an EMS package stuck there. But apparently, it kept getting missed to be put into the truck since it was a smaller easily moved package. Stationary...


Here's so far my tracking information (both items):



Well I am guessing that is the tamagotchi...

It should be there anytime. That looks like registered, but its not EMS. Ems usually starts E_9101.... Your numbers. It will probably be there soon. Many times, the actual tracking dosen't update until your genral post office gets it. Or they can be sluggish sometimes...

Don't worry. The wait sorta stinks, but its well worth the wait.

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