Easy Growth?


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Sep 12, 2014
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I recently bought a tamagotchi friends and i am on the third generation now.

I wanted to get a lower care adult but i still got mametchi!

For the first stage (Baby)

I let it call for me so I could get some care misses since it doesn't die in the baby stage.

For the next stages (Child - Teen)

I kept it at least 1 heart in hunger and happy so that it wouldn't die and let it call so that I could get some more care misses.

Since I have school I have to pause during the day so when it was changing from child to teen I got cosmotchi (the excellent care teen).

The next day I fell asleep and during the night it changed to mametchi!


Why is it doing this? I get the perfect care tamagotchi adults even if I keep it at low hearts.

It's hard to get bad care characters on the TF for some reason. I left mine at home for 8 hours plus some not paused and still got an excellent care character :/

Same problem here!!! I'm raising the third female character in a row: she's a child now and the previous two were both Coffretchi... I'm trying to do more care misses but TF is so little needy that I think it's almost impossible to get bad care characters. I'm starting to think the grow chart we find on internet aren't true and maybe TF characters are much more determined by personality than by care level...

Is not just the TF's, most of recent releases had made it way too easy to get perfect care characters, and for some reason they made it EVEN EASIER in the TF's?

Perfect Care characters were supposed to be a challenge in vintage times, Now the challenge is to get a NON perfect care ones!

Try to keep it with no hearts as much as you can without letting it die, you will probably get a good/average care character, I don't have a clue of how to actually get bad care ones, you may have to let your tamagotchi die or something (?)

Do I lose everything if my TF dies? I have had tamagotchi's in my past but I honestly don't remember...

My Mametchi is almost ready to get married but I don't know if I want to marry it or let it die of old age.

Thanks for the support <3

Do I lose everything if my TF dies? I have had tamagotchi's in my past but I honestly don't remember...

My Mametchi is almost ready to get married but I don't know if I want to marry it or let it die of old age.

Thanks for the support <3
I believe the TFs is like colour versions so I don't think it dies of old age, you can just keep him as much as you want and then marry him.

I can't tell what happens if he dies though, any of my tamagotchis have ever died xD

I believe the TFs is like colour versions so I don't think it dies of old age, you can just keep him as much as you want and then marry him.

I can't tell what happens if he dies though, any of my tamagotchis have ever died xD
Oh okay!

I only remember having a tamagotchi connection so..

I've gotten a really bad care charrie on the TF before (Toropicatchi!)

The trick is to give it bunches of care misses, just as you would on the colors. But it's a bit tricky, as the attention light doesn't go off immediately for some reason; sometimes it takes a bit for the attention calls to come up.

I've gotten a really bad care charrie on the TF before (Toropicatchi!)

The trick is to give it bunches of care misses, just as you would on the colors. But it's a bit tricky, as the attention light doesn't go off immediately for some reason; sometimes it takes a bit for the attention calls to come up.
What did you do? How many hearts did you keep them at? Sorry for so many questions :~:

What did you do? How many hearts did you keep them at? Sorry for so many questions :~:
Here's how to give a care miss:

You let either the happiness or the hungry meter drop to zero hearts. (If you want to give a bunch of care misses, it works best to keep both at about one heart or so while you're giving the misses and let them take turns dropping to zero) Either immediately or after a few minutes, the tama will began calling you to take care of them and fill their need. You have to ignore them for about 15-20 minutes--until they stop calling you. That's a care miss. After the care miss, you fill one heart and then let it drop to zero again and repeat the process, if you want to give them multiple care misses.

It seems a bit cruel to the tama as you do it, but it's really the only way to get bad care characters on the colors and the TF, so... x3

That's okay, I don't mind answering! :)

Here's how to give a care miss:

You let either the happiness or the hungry meter drop to zero hearts. (If you want to give a bunch of care misses, it works best to keep both at about one heart or so while you're giving the misses and let them take turns dropping to zero) Either immediately or after a few minutes, the tama will began calling you to take care of them and fill their need. You have to ignore them for about 15-20 minutes--until they stop calling you. That's a care miss. After the care miss, you fill one heart and then let it drop to zero again and repeat the process, if you want to give them multiple care misses.

It seems a bit cruel to the tama as you do it, but it's really the only way to get bad care characters on the colors and the TF, so... x3

That's okay, I don't mind answering!
ahh okay thanks
My mametchi just got married this morning so it's pinkbotchi right now and I'm hoping to get harptchi or something

I'm trying to use Princess Lovelitchi's tecnique too, that is the same I use on my ID-L when I want bad care characters. On ID-L it has always worked, now I'll try on TF!

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