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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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We were learning about eathquakes and tectonic plates on friday, and our teacher told us that every 300-500 years, there's a giant earthquake that hits the north-west coast of North America. When It hits, Alaska and the west coast of Canada will be gone. Now I want to move... Where I live, we're on the west coast and below sea level. The only thing that keeps us from not flooding is the dyke. We had a talk about this and everyone was panicking... Now I want to move... Also, apparently we had an earthquake two years, but I didn't feel it.. Weird...

Here's the wikipedia page about the earthquake --->x

So... Have you had any earthquake experiences?

I experienced an earth-quake once when I was sitting on a trampoline listening to music.

And my cousin ran over and started jumping up until I was screaming and bouncing everywhere and fell off the edge.

That counts, right? 8D

No. I know it doesn't. So no, I have never experienced earthquakieness.

I haven't. And Nova Scotia is in the middle of a plate, so I probably never will unless I go somewhere a little more prone to them.

The last earthquake I remember was when I was in 6th grade(2001). It was a 6.8. No damage was caused in my area, but there was some in Seattle.

I felt my desk and floor shaking and I figured it was the guy behind me shaking his leg(he did it a lot, it was annoying). Then the rest of the room started shaking. I think we all felt kind of stupid for not realizing what was going on at first, lol.

I'm waiting for the next big one. That was almost 10 years ago. Usually they're more frequent than that.

I found a link to the one I mentioned.


We've had a few little earth quakes 1-2 magnitude in the last two weeks around my area, but the closest they were felt was about 20 minutes away from me, so I didn't feel them, lol.

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Nup, I never have :0

I'm in South Australia, where it's reasonably safe. Only risk is bushfires, which only occur in the bush and I dont live in the bush... so that's lucky :)

I've experienced fake earthquakes. Like, those little boxes where you get in and its like you're on a giant rollercoaster and you wear seatbelts and stuff. They're fun 8D

There was one last year, or the year before, I think it was 4.6 or 5.4 or something. I don't know, but I woke up in the middle of the night and the house was shaking and I thought I was dreaming so I went back to sleep. The next morning it was on the news, and my mum was saying, "Did you feel the Earthquake?" so I said, "That wasn't a dream...? Oh well." But it wasn't a big Earthquake and no-one got the full force of it since it was 30kms in the ground, so not much damage, just a few chimneys falling down.

I've experienced fake earthquakes. Like, those little boxes where you get in and its like you're on a giant rollercoaster and you wear seatbelts and stuff. They're fun 8D
Yus, they're fun! xD

There was one last year, or the year before, I think it was 4.6 or 5.4 or something. I don't know, but I woke up in the middle of the night and the house was shaking and I thought I was dreaming so I went back to sleep. The next morning it was on the news, and my mum was saying, "Did you feel the Earthquake?" so I said, "That wasn't a dream...? Oh well." But it wasn't a big Earthquake and no-one got the full force of it since it was 30kms in the ground, so not much damage, just a few chimneys falling down.
That's scary though. If I knew it was an earthquake I would freak out O:

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SK, I think I experienced the same earthquake as you. o_o'

I don't think it's possible? How close are you to the border?

Yes, we talked about the earthwuake in Italy today. over 100 000 homes were destroyed, I think.

I think I remember being told that when I was 4 an earthquake hit my city. It was a tiny one and it obviously wasn't very dangerous or caused any damage because I don't remember it..

SK, I think I experienced the same earthquake as you. o_o'I don't think it's possible? How close are you to the border?
I'm 114(183km) miles out of Vancouver, BC.

On the page I showed(or a different one I looked at) it showed that supposedly Everett didn't even feel it, but that's where I was and it was pretty strong, lol. It shows the distance felt up to Bothell and that's about 15 minutes from Everett.

I think the major quake was down in/toward Olympia, which is a good hour and a half south of me.

The last earthquake I remember was when I was in 6th grade(2001).
Totally off topic: Wiiierd...You were in the 6th grade when I was in kindergarten. ^^;;;

On topic, as far as I know, I haven't experienced any earthquakes. But I'm on the east coast, so....yeah. I don't think I have. Maybe when I was little?

Edit- Oh, yeah. I heard about the on in Italy. O;

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I haven't been in any earthquakes. Maybe because I've spent all of my life in Puerto Rico, Dom. Republic, and Florida.

There was a tiny one in California last week, I was sitting in class and we all felt it and we started looking at everyone's feet trying to figure out who was jiggling their feet, then the announcements say "Due to the earthquake we will be evacuating", which was stupid because there was no damage aside from the fact, when I got home my ruler had fallen off my desk and chipped.

There was another one that was one or two years ago here and I was at the movies and suddenly everything starts shaking (it was 10pm) and we all get evacuated and throughout the mall we see people trying to sweep up the glass from the cracked windows. There was also a tiny one when I was in... 3rd grade, I was a sleep and I felt something drop on my face and I wake up and see that the little plaster lumps on my roof were falling off and I thought it was the washing machine shaking the house (my washing machine used to do that) and went back to sleep. The next day everyone was raving about the earthquake and I was all "Oh".

And there was one time again in the third grade and my class and I were on a bus to the zoo and we stopped at a stoplight and then the bus shook a little and the telephone wires started swinging and the street sign started to sway a little bit. Then the bus radio turns on and asks the driver if everything was ok.

So yeah, I guess I've experienced some earthquakes. But mind you I live in California so it normal.

We had one that was only just noticeable once. I was at home on my bed and mums like "I think we're having an earthquake" and everything moved slightly and I jumped on the floor and laughed. It was moving.

There are heaps everyday. Most you can bearly feel. Every dot is and earthquake from about the past 24 hours. OMG. Theres 2 in around my city. I never knew that. I never felt them.

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