WELL then i'm glad mine beeps instead of humming... indeedI've noticed that the ones that make a humming sound have the potential to die very quickly.
Hehehe..my sister and I were joking about it being that the other day...BACK AWAY FROM THE tamagotchis THEY'RE TERRORISTS DEVICES AND THE BEEPING IS THE BOMB'S COUNTER!!!!1 Ok seriously though I dont know what that is.
yah i noticed that when i got my tama. at first it annoyed me, now i'm used to it, although i dont hold it up to my ear very much.Ok u know the beeping ur tama does when u hold it to ur ear. If u turn off the sound the beeping will be a lower tone than it would be with the sound on. It beebs every half second unless ur on the clock,than it beeps every sec. When u change it from clock to normal screen it wil go beeeeeeeeeeeeep. When its on somthing like the scale it will go tick tick tick. The half second beeps seem to beep whenever ur tama moves. That is how everything is on my tama.