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@.me.love.chocolate.;; Yeah, same. My family drinks champagne on holidays and stuff, but they don't smoke. No one in my family smokes 'cept my grandfather, but he's trying to quit now.

No one in my school does drugs. Well, there's probably a few people, but none that I know of. No one really discusses drugs and wanting to do them, so I've never been a target because I don't do them.

There are a lot of programs that are done in my school such as D.A.R.E and the Wellness Fair which continually assure us kids that doing drugs is horrible, etc. and so on.

There are a lot of programs that are done in my school such as D.A.R.E and the Wellness Fair which continually assure us kids that doing drugs is horrible, etc. and so on.
Oh my god I loved the D.A.R.E. program. xD I remember in the workbooks they gave us, there was this picture of a guy in a bee costume and he was trying to sell drugs to a group of kids. I swear to god this existed. I was like "dude, if a guy in a bee costume tries to sell you drugs, you kind of don't need them..."

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Been there and tried drugs, but they never were for me. There's a lot more stuff in this world to spend money on than waste it on drugs.

Never done drugs. Probably never will. It doesn't sound appealing to me, y'know.

Like--I'll probably drink, but not like overload. But I don't see the point in drugs.

And our school is rampant with stoners, you just need to know where to find them. One of my best friends, she may do drugs. Hell, I'm sure she does. But y'know--it's not something I'd ask about.

Half her friends whom I'm not familiar with sit there and smoke everything smokeable. Well, not Smarties.

But yeahh. I don't get teased. There's a lot of people who don't do drugs. But we can pretty much tell who doesn't and who does.

Whatever, this is high school. Screw it.

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