Drew's Tama Log! (:


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Sep 1, 2010
Reaction score
Ukiah, California
Urm, hi!


I'm Drew...I am new...I like the color blue!


[sorry i REALLY wanted to do that!]


Anyways, this is my first log/blog whatever so I hope you enjoy it.


Any comments/questions/ideas/praises that you would like to say to me,

Please do so! In a PM, don't post in my log. Please :)

But they will be posted in the log, unless you don't want it.


I do inverted smiley faces, DEAL WIF IT!


Well I think I will be starting a v4...maybe a v3 if I wanted but just a v4 for now.


Kay, here goes!




Scuze me while i set the time 'n' date 'n' such.

Right, now we waitt...


Tis' a female!


Her name is...Emily :)


The white blob is bouncing all over - typical baby tama.

I guess I'll go have fun with her..

I'll post back in a bit :)




Hay, I'm backk :)


Did ya miss me?!

Didn't think so,



Well anyways, Emily evolved! Into a harutchi. CuteCute!

I personally don't like the toddler stage.

They're cute, indeed, but it is pretty boring. I mean, only two games? C'mon!


Well what should i say now..?



No, no. I don't think that will work, Emily.

Maybe...I'll sing a song!

I actually disagree. I think a good story will entertain the young readers.

Well I don't know any good stories.

Then log off! Jeez, you are taking up people's time.

); Fine.


How is it that my toddler tamagotchi has better vocab then I do?

Disagree and entertain are words that i rarely use.

I actually do know a story.

It's about how Miley Cyrus was going to exit my house.

But it wouldn't make sense to you guys.


Uhm...I think I am a little of tama-topic.

I better be off, then.





I am very lonelyy.

Emily just got into preschool.



I need to play games with her but I am lazyy.


Hmm, What else to talk about..


I don't know,


Maybe my log is boring.




Hello friends,


I have school today so don't expect too many posts.


I will have Emily in my pocket and on mute all day

so I don't mess up with the care.

I usually take my tamas to school, the teachers in general don't care.


soo, I will talk to you when I get back!


