Dream bout' tamatalk


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Good thing nobody is dreaming about me, hurr. That would be bad..
I've never had a dream about tamatalk 3: But those of you who know everything there is to know about me remember that I hardly remember what I dream. What if I forgot! D:< NOOOOOOOOOoooooo..
OOH pyonchit I dreamt about you!

I dreamt that you made Admin ban my account and then I came to your city.As I rang the doorbell you opened the door and I yelled at you and kicked you(sorry -_- )There was other TT members but I didn't know who they where.

Then I left to the one and only Malta. :p

Wow last night i had one 0.0

Me ~Mr.Canvas~ and Rey Mysterio were talking and out of know were kk445 came bursting in a started singing my humps 0.0 and then she slammed the door and left and we all started laughing


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Wow last night i had one 0.0
Me ~Mr.Canvas~ and Rey Mysterio were talking and out of know were kk114 came bursting in a started singing my humps 0.0 and then she slammed the door and left and we all started laughing

Hahah, that's hilarious.

Heh, not long until I go to bed... wonder if I'll have a TT dream tonight. xD

OOH pyonchit I dreamt about you!I dreamt that you made Admin ban my account and then I came to your city.As I rang the doorbell you opened the door and I yelled at you and kicked you(sorry ;) )There was other TT members but I didn't know who they where.

Then I left to the one and only Malta. :huh:

Yeah, that's why I thought it would be bad. I would probably go "GIANT TLDR RANT YELL YELL YELL YELL YELL" and then whoever dreaming about me would be like "Omgz I hate you >:U"

Okay, so I had a dream and it was about these games we had to do. Kinda like a sports day. We got teams and all that and then me and GotchiGirl96 were a team and we were conpeating against Tama-Love and Spiffy (I know xD) and then we had to do a soccer contest (I was goalie and then she GotchiGirl96 was in the outfield with Tama-Love) and then it was a tie so both teams won and everyone was cheering "YAY BOTHEY YAHHHHH" And we were like "K then?"
xD, have you ever had any weird dreams like dat'?

i know u wont believe me but its true!

i had a dream last night were i was sitting on my couch wachin TV and then Elvis came in and i was all like "sup elvis!" and he said nothing and then he went into my kichen, took my penutt butter, stroled out and said "thank u! thank u very much"

i woke up screaming!! ;) and also one time i ahd a dream i was pack-woman and my hose was that mase thing and there were those little goasties running around! :huh:

You guys are soo funny. :( I'm a dreameater. T_T

(Just joking)

Er.. Once I had a dream about Gotchi Pal, she was a girl trapped in Yoshi's body.

You guys are flattering me.
Teach me how to take over peoples dreams :eek:


I've had two TT dreams.


One was just me playing on Tama Talk.


The other one was...well...I got married to a member of TT.


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I did have One last night. :(

OK, Nummy was sitting on a throne, and making all the tamatalkers bow to her, and be her slaves. xDD Then Me, Chocosilver, Locky and meowbark tried to knock down her throne- she killed us after we failed. She just rolled her eyes, and pointed ger fingers at us and said "zap." xDDD

It was hilarious. xD

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Oh thank god people arent dreaming about me! I am too crazy...even in dreams!

I've had one where DarkCore came back to TT and acted like the selfish idiot he is today, and got banned again. ;P

Seriously, I know DarkCore from a DDR forum. He's an arrogant selfish dummy now. ;o

I just had another =.=

I was at a cirular Table. TamaGirley and Rachelgotchi came in, Natteh (TG) Was indulged in Yaoi comics and drawings (DONT ASK. She is obsessed) RG was smiling, with Zac Effron next to her 0.0

Then Sweet Kandi walked along holding hands with a Emperor Penguin she stole from Antartica. I then grew big-behind ****s and my hair turned Blonde, I became Tsunade-hime. Natteh turned into Shizune, and RG turned into Orochimaru. SK turned into Jiraiya XD Then the Powerpuff girls ate a biscuit and TamaMum ate a doughnut

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