Don't put your personal info in profile!


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Well I would love to make friends on here, and yes unfortunately sad people do lie, and thats very upsetting. Tamagirl1042, I didnt know there were other adults on here. I want to be a mod of this site or some sort of staff member because I want to not only be here for friends but, to be able to talk to other members who may feel threatened by aome other user. I really love children and teenagers and it brings me to tears when i hear the stuff on the news when an innocent child is abducted from the net. I feel pain everyday for the parents, in Australia a 13yr old boy went missing, but not from the internet, he was just buying his mothers birthday present and went to catch a bus home but didnt get on that bus, someone abducted him. Three or four years later and no clue as to where he is. Thats so sad.

I want out of the area I live in because its becoming so popular around here, I want people to trust me as a big sister on here. But it is so hard with bad people ruining it..

What are you talking about?

Anyways,I'll clean out my profile!

Its good that people are open to talk about this, it is a dangerous issue and people need to know how to be safe, stay safe and happy on the net, and I encourage anyone who feels unsafe with a user or person in chat whatever on any site, talk to an admin or trusted adult you know personally eg: mom, dad, auntie, friends mom or dad. Please just keep safe my tama friends

that makes no sense...if they were asking u what school u go to obveously they dont know where u live so they cant do anything 2 u. :D just dont look at any pms they send u

I agree, TamaWiz.

Once I got a PM from a tamatalk member who was into sex, and I didn't open it. I asked my dad about it, and he said "Don't open it. That could be a computer virus or something sexual you don't want."

I just deleted the message. I didn't even open it.

that makes no sense...if they were asking u what school u go to obveously they dont know where u live so they cant do anything 2 u. :) just dont look at any pms they send u
I agree partly with TW. They CAN find out lots of things from where you to school. All they have to is search it on google, and then there pops up it's city, state, country, zip, ect. ect. So you are wrong on that part, but I do agree on not reading PM's that they send you. Or better yet, just block them.

it's a good idea not to put you city and you last name and phone number and such because like said before, the internet is a dangerous place, and everyone doesn't have to know everything about you, like what you look like or where you go to school and live. thanks for bringing up this topic! ^_^

I'm not giving out my Age on the Internet. Why do people do that?

No there not! This site is Invaded by kids! There are Fewer Adults!

People can't find out who you are, if you just tell them what country you live in or what your birthday is. See mines the 12th of June. If they got a list of everybody born on the 12th of June, there would be a hell of a lot of people. They arn't gonna stalk them all to find out which one went on a Tamagotchi website once.

I don't see how it is dangerous and safer to put a place that doesn't even exsist........ :)


JustFriends3334*A little magic in all of us.*

I don't see how it is dangerous and safer to put a place that doesn't even exsist........ :)  

JustFriends3334*A little magic in all of us.*
It's just a funny little way to say "I'm not telling you where I really live" :)

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