Don't lose money when robber comes!


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Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
Whenever you see the letter icon flashing, grab something you can push reset button with. Then, if its the robber, as he is falling, quickly press reset and reset+download. You wont have lost any money! Tried and tested by me!

I thought of this after losing 800 points to the robber! Grr!

Make sure, thought, he hasnt alredy taken the money and hes going off or hes got the P sack infront of him Its too late. You have to do it as soon as you see him falling.

wow! thats awsome the robber was aproblem in my rich generations! 50000 P i had. THATS AWSOME!!!!!!!11 how did you think of that?

WELL, one thing. when you stop and do that, your tama grows slower. it goes back in growth. :furawatchi: but you idea is still good! :D

wait? A ROBBER??? what version does he come in? does he come in the v5? how do you know when he's coming? can you stop him? besides that? im all scarred now....

Wait? A ROBBER??? What version does he come in? Does he come in the v5? How do you know when he's coming? Can you stop him? besides that? I'm all scared now....
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The robber comes in the mail on the v4.5 versions. You don't know when he's coming, though, you will see him start to fall onto the screen, and that's where the tip comes in.

I have another idea so that he thinks he gets away with your points, but he really isn't stealing anything.

If you don't mind earning your gp back, donate them to the king! Then it's totally safe.

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also on v4, ive been robbed TONES of times lolz thanks that tip will help!

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The robber comes in the mail on the v4.5 versions. You don't know when he's coming, though, you will see him start to fall onto the screen, and that's where the tip comes in.

I have another idea so that he thinks he gets away with your points, but he really isn't stealing anything.

If you don't mind earning your gp back, donate them to the king! Then it's totally safe.
Actually, he comes in both v4 AND v4.5. The tamas I found this on are Versions 4


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