Dolls: Chubbz's Story


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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
Somewhere in Texas

"Chubbz! Chubbz, are you awake? Wake up!" cried Chubbz's best friend, Bubbz. "Come on, you lazy...uh...whatever you are!"

"Wh-what?" said Chubbz, starting to wake up. "What's all the yelling?"

"C'mon, let's go play! I was SO bored, just waiting for you to wake up," moaned Bubbz. Bubbz was a year younger than Chubbz, so he was a little more energetic. Just a LITTLE, Chubbz usually exclaims.

Now, Bubbz, Chubbz, and their families were a different race of Tamagotchis. They were undiscovered. Those of the Tamagotchis who knew they existed called them Dolls, because of their unusually large heads and penguin-like flippers for arms and small square bodies. But, of course, none of the famous and important Tamagotchis believe the lower-classmen that the Dolls ever existed. That's because the Dolls lived underneath the Tamagotchi Planet.

The Dolls, as I mentioned before, have unusually large heads, flippers, and square-like bodies. All Dolls had different personalities, styles, looks, and everything else.

"OK, so, say we go out to play?" said Chubbz, still lying in bed, his flipper arms propping his body up like a stand.

"Uh-huh," said Bubbz.

"And, say a Tamagotchi catches us...."

"Hey! We've been aboveground before and a Tamagotchi Character has NEVER caught us, not once!" replied Bubbz. "Just some lower-classed Chohimetchi. But even the higher-classed Ura-Mametchi didn't believe her! Not even a Violetchi! I'm telling you, Chubbz, we're on a lucky road. A lucky road!"

"Yeah, well-" Chubbz got out of bed, "just go ask your mom if you can hang out with me, and maybe we'll sneek some peeks at the aboveground town, just to look at it! No playing in the schoolyard again, OK?"

"YEAH!" cried Bubbz. "Let's go see some-"

"WAIT! Shhhh," urged Chubbz. "OK, one: We are NOT going to see any Characters, kapeish? Two: We'll only sneek a look at the above ground, just barely sticking our heads out! And three: Don't blow our cover! The last thing we need is for someone to catch us!"

"OK, I see. He ran out of Chubbz's house, and Chubbz strolled up to his window and looked out, only to find Bubbz yelling at the top if his lungs, "GOING TO SEE SOME CHARACTERS! GOING TO SEE SOME CHARACTERS! TAMA CHARACTERS! TAMA TAMA! TAMA CHARACTERS!"


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