My Jr. High has 6th graders... omg it's killing me!!!
I mean it was cool when I was in 6th grade, but now the new 6th graders come and EVERYTHING CHANGES!!!!
How it was before when I was in 6th grade:
-The 7th graders got to run all around the 6th grade hall
-We had to wait longer in line
-We got the 6th grade table
-Much more traditional stuff, normal, right?
How it is now that I'm in 7th grade and there are new 6th graders:
-We HAVE to walk out and around the WHOLE school and no disturbing the 6th graders, but each class is at the other end of the school
-The 6th graders get to go a special way in the cafeteria to get food fater, when we still have to wait
-We STILL get the 6th grade table, and the 6th graders get the grand 7th grade table
-Us 7th graders have to use red, smaller, almost daycare sized trays!!! Only because there are more 6th graders, and they get the normal, good trays