Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?


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Of course :) 2 of my tamas are on my school lanyard which is a tamagotchi lanyard and my v3 is in my pocket

25 and holding here... (29) I still take care of tamagotchis. You don't age out of anything unless you want to.

Aaaand I somehow ended up with a double post, my apologies. I'll see if I can get it removed.

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18 and have been thoroughly enjoying tamas since the age of 7 (-: I don't think I'll ever be too old for tamagotchi!

I'm 17 and though I haven't had batteries in my 4.5 in a year, I plan on running it during the summer. I'm still an avid Tama collector. I am in firm denial that I am older than 12 xD

started playing with them when i was around 7-10.. stopped playing with them at around 15 .. and recently bought a tamagothci friends today - aged 21! LOL

I'm 29 and still have my Tamagotchis... and I'm sure if I didn't have two small children, I would still be playing with the Tamagotchis. Maybe when my kids are old enough I will let them play with the tamas!

I got my first Tamagotchi when they were first released, and now at 28, I'm still addicted.

I even still give my dad a hard time about the time we were on vacation when I was in 4th grade. and I forgot to pause my game when we left the hotel. I remembered in tthe lobby, but he wouldn't let me go back up to pause it, and that's the story of how my dad killed my first tamagotchi... At the time, I was so sad, I cried for a half hour. It died in a room full of poo. -_-

I'll be turning 18 in a few weeks and I still play with Tamagotchi. I sold off the majority of my collection a year or two ago (I had 15 or more v3s, v4s, and v4.5s) but kept four or five for the nostalgia. So while I don't play with them as much as I used to, I still hatch one every once in a while. I got my first when I was 8 or 9.

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