Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?


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They were ok, just not my style. I don't do dramatic romance well.

However, The Host was a lot better in my opinion and much more mature. I don't necessarily hate the books and Stephanie Meyer is a good author, it's just that what she writes isn't necessarily what I like to read. I'm more of a sci-fi, heavy fantasy person myself.

Wow, the most times I've seen a movie is twice (The Simpsons Movie) and that was just because my sister wanted to watch it with me. It's a decent movie though, unlike a certain one.
the simpson movie kicks the twilight movie's butt anyday

Yup ;D
Stephanie's good at making up plots, but she's just not a very good writer.
I disagree.

Her plotage was trash.

Imma eat her plot bunny :3

I just read a summary for the host, another one of SM's failure attemps, and found this amusing quote.

Bored, Meyer made up stories to entertain herself, and was halfway through outlining the story of The Host in her head before realizing what she had created.
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I like the series over-all, but I know she could have done sooo much better. It felt like even she was falling asleep at some parts of the book, ya know?

I read the books, but disliked the expirence. Why? Seve reasons

1. New Moon was entirely filler.

2. Breaking Dawn seems to have been written by a 12-year old fangirl, not by Meyer herself.

3. The realtionship between Bella and Edward was more 2-D than most Super Mario Games

4. All characters had no personality/depth

5. There was no real villian, and even if they did something, it was forgotten in Breaking Dawn in excuse for more Edward/Bella relationship crap.

6. Eclipse was unneccary, as Bella and Edawrd were "Destined to Be Together"

7. Vampires VS Werewolves have been done a million times before in greater works, and the genre certainy dosen't need the Twilight series dragging it down.

I like the books,

but I'm not a screaming fan. :/


my friend molly is sooo obbsessed

she's seen it 12 times in theatres,

owns two copies of each book

bought the movie [idk where.]

and owns a shirt, and that creepy sparkle spray.

did I mention .. downloaded it on her computer..

has a twilight ringtone....

has a twilight notebook with edward facts in it...

names everything 'Edward' or 'Bella'

aaaand is a maker of internet edward icons.



it bugs me a little.

' date='January 04, 2009 02:52 pm'] I like the books,but I'm not a screaming fan. :/


my friend molly is sooo obbsessed

she's seen it 12 times in theatres,

owns two copies of each book

bought the movie [idk where.]

and owns a shirt, and that creepy sparkle spray.

did I mention .. downloaded it on her computer..

has a twilight ringtone....

has a twilight notebook with edward facts in it...

names everything 'Edward' or 'Bella'

aaaand is a maker of internet edward icons.



it bugs me a little.
I can see where that is annoying

I've seen the movie 3 times

I do have 2 shirts (One's homemade)

I have read the book 4 times.......

' date='January 04, 2009 02:52 pm'] I like the books,but I'm not a screaming fan. :/


my friend molly is sooo obbsessed

she's seen it 12 times in theatres,

owns two copies of each book

bought the movie [idk where.]

and owns a shirt, and that creepy sparkle spray.

did I mention .. downloaded it on her computer..

has a twilight ringtone....

has a twilight notebook with edward facts in it...

names everything 'Edward' or 'Bella'

aaaand is a maker of internet edward icons.



it bugs me a little.
Hobbies like this can get to a point where it's like, and obsession.

You're Molly friend is border line obsessed. If it starts affecting her social life and being the center of her world, it's a problem. Right now it's more of a fandom thing, but I can see why it would bug you.

Stephenie Meyer wrote a book that is every girl's fantasy. That's why everyone loves it. Dreamy perfect guy, adventure, etc. A lot of people could care less about the writing, it's Edward Edward Edward.

But ya, I hope this fan base dies down a bit, it's making me cringe. I knew the whole series plot before reading them, everyone kept talking about it. :D

I'm alarmed at how many people are voting that I'm a fruitcake. D:

I hate the series because romance novels, and not to mention vampire romance novels don't strike a warm fuzzy place in my heart.



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