Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?


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To be honest, the Twilight series has put me off writing a book myself (it ain't gonna happen but I swear I've had dreams about my book getting published, getting millions of fans, a completely awful movie and worst of all, t-shirts :( ). I used to like the series, but the fans put me off them. And I agree, Bella is a cry-baby who's probably gorgeous and thinks she's hideous and sobs her heart out and rolls up in a ball on a public beach when her whole life, Edward, goes. What sort of message is that sending? Don't try to get over your lost love? Shesh. I'm not wasting my energy hating it, at least I'm trying not to, but it just keeps getting rubbed in my face by a load of squealing girls going "OOOOH EDWARD IS SO HOT!!!". And the book itself was overly discripted, saying how handsome Edward is. And as that cool article said, the normal looking people were evil. I'm going to stop now, before I carry this too far. Don't take this comment as an offence if you like the series. It's just my opinion.

I actually love the series.

At first I thought it was stupid, I didn't even bother to read the books. But when I saw the movie it was actually much better than I thought.

Ha. There was an ad for cutomized apparel, and there was a person wearing a hoodie that says "Team Edward, cause Jacob doesn't shine"


I really like the series, I'm reading breaking dawn. Alice is the best character, I love her :3 Bella is ok as I said before, I like edward did I mention jacob must die?,jasper is ok same with rosalie. Fav characters=Alice, edward i guess, and bella, mostly because What can i say :mimitchi:

She (Bella) always being described as brave but acts stupid. Especially at the end when she runs headfirst, stupidly, into a dangerous situation for equally stupid reasons. When a classmate pricks his finger, she faints, and big, strapping men have to carry her to the nurse's office.When Edward merely kisses her, she's stupid enough to almost suffocate.

Bella = Stupid

Edward = F-Ing UNsexy.

Come on.

Edward and Bella can go fall into a deep hole. D:
Couldn't put it better.

There's a fine line between stupidity, and bravery. And some people fail to see it. But it's there, and Bella falls no short of stupid.

Team Jacob, FTW.

He deserves it. Bella just uses him for free car repairs.

I would rant about Bella again, but I haven't got much time right now (my Mum's screaming at me to go to bed). But I just read the parody on this page:
And OMG, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard reading something on the internet in my life.
That. Was. AWESOME.

Thank you for giving the link to that. You have just added the cake to my frosting of a day.


That sounded more girlie than it was meant to.


I would rant about Bella again, but I haven't got much time right now (my Mum's screaming at me to go to bed). But I just read the parody on this page:
And OMG, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard reading something on the internet in my life.
That made my day year. I love you.

Everything beautiful will now be Edwardian to me.

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I would rant about Bella again, but I haven't got much time right now (my Mum's screaming at me to go to bed). But I just read the parody on this page:
And OMG, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard reading something on the internet in my life.

That made my year.

Love you too, Stereo and Eclipse (joking)

I'm just glad that fangirls didn't start flaming me lol. That review is just totally Edwardian.


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