Does anyone actually own an Ancestor Tama?


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I had the black on orange p1. It was so cute its sonewhere at my grandmas house in florida

I got 2 red P2's :) One where I can't get the darn screws off and one that works just fine :)

Hi everybody. I'm new to this forum. I have two Ancestor Tamas, both P1s.

This little fellow followed me back home from a flea market in Germany.


Funny, eh? It doesn't seem to be a european colorway. Text is in english, so maybe it's from an asian country like Hong Kong or Singapore? Are those supposed to eat bread or rice? On the back it says "Bandai 1997 - Made in China". I'm trying to raise the secret character currently, so that may tell..

Unfortunately it's mute. I managed to solder a speaker wire back to the circuit board, but unfortunately the wire attached to the center of the piezo was off, too and it turned out to be as good as impossible to solder to this thing (I should have looked up how to solder to piezos beforehand, but it's still quite a pain). Either I lack the skill to do this job properly or the piezo was faulty from the beginning. The wire had not broken off, the complete solder joint wasn't sticking to it...

My other P1 is an orange and yellow one with the numbers, from the second series of european P1s.

I've had it since 1997 and it was my second Tamagotchi. It replaced one of identical color that was stolen from me. I always babied it and it's still in great condition! - It's better than new, actually. After opening it up to clean up some oxidation on the circuit board that prevented the knobs from working I spent some time adjusting the screws that hold it together, trying to tune its speaker. Sound much cleaner now than it did 16 years ago.


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I have only a P1. Yellow with an orange border one.

I currently have a P1, Angelgotch and Umino, but soon will also have a second P1 and a Morino. ;>

I gots :

A pink/blue clock design p1

A yellow transparent p2

A lime green with yellow trim p1

A american gold angelgotchi

A silver gold winged angelgotchi jap

A white woth blue character p2

A transparent red worh white umino

A transparent purple umino

A clear waves design umino

A white morino

A yellow vines design morino

A hong kong celebration p2

A genjintchi

A mothra rwgular design

A brown camo design american p1

A pink jap. Angelgotchi

A pink/blue osutchi and mesutchi pair

And i think thats all ofthe vintage

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The only tamagotchi ancestor I have is a orange and yellow P1.

I completed my vintage collection when I bought my Yasashii a few years ago. Some are the gems of my entire collection (clear blue Mothra, Yasashii, special Asia designs of P1s and P2s, and Devils.) I love the Tamagotchi ancestors, especially the Osutchi and Mesutchi :)

I gots :
A pink/blue clock design p1
A yellow transparent p2
A lime green with yellow trim p1
A american gold angelgotchi
A silver gold winged angelgotchi jap
A white woth blue character p2
A transparent red/ white umino
A transparent purple umino
A clear waves design umino
A white morino
A yellow vines design morino
A hong kong celebration p2
A genjintchi
A mothra regular design
A brown camo design american p1
A pink jap. Angelgotchi
A pink/blue osutchi and mesutchi pair

And now i am adding this GORGEOUS GEM as of monday: (gosh big picture sry ^.^)


I have a pink P1 with Kurapatchi. :) And also a Virtual Pet, a Cooltec 8000 with a dog. :)

i have two p1s, a blue and a purple one! snagged them at a garage sale several years ago, but the blue one's screws arent openable... i'm looking into adding a morino or angelgotch to my collection soon!

I have a P2 and used to have a Japanese Angelgotch, I plan to expand my vintages collection though, to be honest I think that my collection might focus mostly on Ancestors ;) .

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