My parents know about my Tamagotchi's, my dad never really said anything.. I tried showing my mom, she pretends to show interest but she has called me weird for it before but now she's just doesn't really care... My sisters are pretty much the same and my brother teases me about it... I'm really proud of my Tama collection but I am a coward and I'm really afraid to show it in public as my area isn't very nice.. I've been bullied throughout the whole of my school life so I've always tried to steer clear from being a reason to target and the fact my family think I'm weird already doesn't assure me. I'm moving to university in just 8 days to a whole new city...My goal is to be OPEN about all my interests and hobbies in this new place so people can get used to it rather than meeting me (whilst I'm hiding all these interests and hobbies) and then finding like my tamagotchi somewhere and thinking I'm 'weird' .. I just want people to accept the fact I like Tamagotchi's! So I'm going to open about my love for Tama's haha! Wish me luck