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^ Lol. x) We all never finish our homework once in a while. *cough*allthetime*cough* xDD

I eat lots of junk food. x) But, I always exercise. =D

I used to be so good about homework, but lately I've been procrastinating more and more, and not doing some stuff i should be doing..... I think i'm just waay to tired lately. xP

Unhealthy, yes. Some stuff I do is serious too :S

I self-harm, I drink and smoke often and I used to be bulimic.

I still force myself to throw up when I feel bad enough.

On a lighter note, I do alot of stuff you guys do too.

I am the biggest procrastinator in the world :3

Yep. Failing to bring my assignments on the correct day. I swear that it was on Monday, but it was due today. >.<

I swear I have the best memory ever, when it comes to spelling and facts, but I always forget to do little things like go to detention, and it causes me so much trouble.

Other than that, I don't think I do. I try not to do things I'll regret.

• I skip showers when I don't need them. >^D

Mostly in the winter; I can't bear to skip in the summer.

• I don't always brush my hair on the weekends.

• Sometimes I go to bed without brushing my teeth.

• My sleeping habits are totally disrupted.

But I do maintain my grades anyway.

It's normal, for me.

• I'm starting to slack in my homework.

I hardly ever study anymore.

I'm actually supposed to be studying this and next week, but haven't even touched my books.

• I'm a pig about food.

• I have a huge short term memory loss problem.

None of those are what I'd call `extremely unhealthy` but they're pretty bad habits, if I say so myself.

' date='+March 21, 2010 02:31 am'] • I skip showers when I don't need them. >^DMostly in the winter; I can't bear to skip in the summer.

• I don't always brush my hair on the weekends.

• Sometimes I go to bed without brushing my teeth.

• My sleeping habits are totally disrupted.

But I do maintain my grades anyway.

It's normal, for me.

• I'm starting to slack in my homework.

I hardly ever study anymore.

I'm actually supposed to be studying this and next week, but haven't even touched my books.

• I'm a pig about food.

• I have a huge short term memory loss problem.

None of those are what I'd call `extremely unhealthy` but they're pretty bad habits, if I say so myself.
Omg that sounds exactly the same as me :)



I'm in my last year of school and I have my half-yearly exams tomorrow... and I havn't even studied. I know I should, but I CAN'T BE BOTHERED ;-;

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