Do you wear makeup?


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Ps- Don't share make up such as liquid eye liner or mascara because there is a ... I wouldn't call it a disease, but something you get where you wake up with a red eye and crust that keeps you eye shut. i've never had it myself , but I read it somewhere.
^^^That's called conjectivitis ((Don't know how to spell it)). I've had it before and it was horrible. I had to use tea bags to open my eyes...

Anyways, no, I don't wear make-up. I feel very uncomfortable when I wear it and it can clog my pores (I really don't need that, they're clogged enough)! The last time I wore make-up (concealer) was when I was 9, because I had a huge break out.

I only wear eye makeup. Eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, etc. :]

Well, today I'm wearing eyeliner, mascara, and foundation. Not much, through. I might add glitter later if I feel like it. I just sprinkle some in my eyelashes, and it brings out the silvery blue.

Yes, but very natural-looking, because I am 13. =)

I wear mascara + dark brown eyeliner on my top lids only, Chapstick to make my lips smooth, blusher because I'm pale and not proud, cover-up for any spots (which I don't really get but I had one on my chin) or dark circles under my eyes. On special occasions I'll wear eyeshadow or paint my nails.

Eyeliner, sometimes eyeshadow, mascara, liquid liner, black eye stuff. Sometimes random obnoxiously bright shadowsm but usually black. Whenever I wear colours, it makes my eyes look odd. Becuase my eyes can be green, or hazel, or a really bright hazel, almost a gold-ish, but usually a mix, so colours make my iris look... Odd. Hard to explain.

And skin-type stuff. I wear a concealer, rarely a foundation, and powder.

All of these are pretty much a white with a bit of pinkish-tan. I'm real pale, and it looks reather odd with my eyes and dark hair. i can't even wear a blush, because it makes me look like a newborn that's out in the cold.


Yes I do wear make-up. I wear mascara and eyeshadow and occasionally eye liner. I dont wear lip-gloss or blush, though.

Yes. Without makeup, I look very pale and disgusting. No lie.

I wear eye liner, mascara, sometimes light eyeshadow, lipgloss, bronzer, and coverup.

I know it sounds like alot, but it just enhances my "beauty".

mhm. i do.

well, if i didnt, i would look like a zombie.



i wear coverup and eyeliner. but that's usually it unless it's like, a special occasion or something.

i dunno why, but i usually LOVE the way make-up makes me look and feel.

A tiny bit of eye make up when I feel like putting it on.

Maybe some blush to add with it.

But most of the time, I'm wayy too lazy.

eyeliner can suit everyone.

you just have to know how to use it.

if you have a lighter skin tone, then usually darker color makes your eyes pop.

but then again, it can be a little much.

sometimes, having just a bit of eyeliner does the trick. just keep on experimenting.


i know what you mean. xP

some days i'll just become too lazy to put any makeup on, so i go to school looking half-dead.

or, i'll put it on really quickly if i'm feeling lazy, and end up messing up. o.0 not good.

Not on a daily basis. I wear really trendy thick glasses so you can't really tell if I'm wearing makeup or not. Sometimes I'll wear it on special occasions or holidays.

These are the exact glasses I wear. So as I said, you can't really tell if I'm wearing makeup or not.

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