Do you wear a bra yet?


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Yes I do its a 8B cup and mum took me bra shopping today and I was a 10C. I got my first one a 8A when I was about 8 or 9. So i'm on the grow and i'm so used to being small but i'm the biggest around the bust and the shortest standing at 4 foot 5 inch. My fav bra is my strapless seamless one and my new one which is convertable and goes strapless. It is pink with orange frilled trim around the edges with pics of random things on it...

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Mine look pointy. 0.0 And they're so small, they are sticking out, just little o's... haven't dropped yet. But I wear bras. I use training/Sports bras, and they are tender. I tend to rub them at home, but at school... XP I did ONCE cause they were REALLY REALLY tender. Then my male teacher told me something nasty, and I forgot what it was. XXP

Yea I do. Ones without wires (still cup bras though) lately. Ones with wires hurt. My great aunt used to be a doctor and she said at this age [middleschoolish] she said you shouldn't wear them with bones plus they can give you high blood pressure.
I would of thought if the wires hurt you, you'd be wearing your bra too tight.

If middle school is high school I used to wear the bras with wire in them, and they never did me any harm.

Haha...I remember when I was 6 and thought bras were sooooo in. So I was like, "MOMMY I WANT ONE", and she's like "no, you don't want those uncomfy harnesses that some guy who hates jello made for women". xD Then halfway through 6th grade, I started wearing sports bras. Then I got a real bra and wore it inside out because it was itchy ;P Now I wear my bras correctly :D . I'm a 32B, and I'll be 13 in August, if you're curious.

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This girl at school that no one really likes (she thinks I'm her best friend) came to school one day and her chest was just...huge. As in, going from B-cup to D-cup overnight xD And she was wearing this really tight shirt, too...(she was trying to impress her crush) and she comes up to me and she's like..."I THINK MY BRA BROKE". :D

Yes, I'm 11 and starting to move into the B cups. I'll be 12 in July. I haven't gotten my period yet, but I think I might soon. I've been having a lot of cramps in my lower torso, and I've been growing a LOT. My doctor said that tight before your period you usually have one huge growth spirt. I've grown nearly an inch in less than a month, so I think that might be my big growth spirt. I read that girls can grow up to 3 1/2 inches in one year, but I don't think that applies to everyone xD


*moans* I am going to next year. 100% chance every day I am going to. But, I have no chest. Nothing. They JUST NOW started. I am wearing them next year cuz at P.E. we have to change into this P.E. shirt and pants with all the other girls, AND HECK NO any of the girls that are not my friend are seeing my chest! I would feel gross, and terrible. I would probably cry :( ;)

kinda, i wear a crop top type thing. (im 12 but im REALLY flat)

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i wear sport bras my MOM got me this bra 1 day and OMG it fell off! The cups are huemungos!!! I am a little flat chested but hey i am only 11!

I have this friend who is older that me she has a bigger breast than me mine are mostly baby fat hers have formed she stayed the night with me and i brought her a towl pls dont think this is disgusting but she had hair and SHE IS ONLY 11! I am 12!!!!!!!!!!! She is going threw puberity (sp?) Her parents have just splittted i mean lke last weak do yall have any tips for comforting her?????


I dont wear a bra yet and i'm 10. i want to but i dont know how to to tell my mom that. Can i have any suggestion? :angry:

But man...What really makes me mad is thatfor some guys your breast size is all that matters!

Jeeez it's so hard to get a guys attention these days

unless your a busty girl! >_<

Jeez some guys are such pervs!
I agree. It's only that the guys I know only are interested in butts. They need a girl with a healthy size butt.

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haha true true GotchiGirl96

i'm 14 and i've been wearing a bra for about three years

but i'm still barley an A

haha but my friends no not to make fun of me

but it is hard to get some guys attention

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