Do you think you got what you want


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Not sure.

I want Guitar Hero: Legends of Rock. Mom's been acting like she didn't get it for me. But she pulled the same trick on my 9th birthday, when I wanted MySims, so...

Drat! I'm confused DX.

*Off-topic* *listens to Through the Fire and Flames to calm self down*

- two pairs of awsome knee highs from hottopic

-a skelanimal sweat shirt from hot topic

-a neclace with my poppys name engraved in it

i want uggs, leg warmers, and mabey some new mark eco sneakers

It doesn't really matter to me. It's all about spending time with my drunken relatives and stealing sips of their margaritas. I know that sounds corny, but actually, to be honest, the reason behind that is because all I have to do is ask my parents for money, it doesn't have to be Christmas, and they'll give it to me XD

To answer the question, though, yes, I know I got what I wanted. My parents talked to me about it, and I told them to get me the new Iphone and tell everyone else just to give it to me in cash. I've always wondered why the girls in my family are spoiled rotten. I'm over that phase, but my siblings and cousins aren't. And, none of the boys are spoiled. Like, the adults push them to become great sports stars while the girls lounge in lawn chairs, texting our friends and getting pedicures. Gah, I'm off topic now.

Probably. My parents always know what I want, and always end up finding it for me. :]

Plus, I looked at the wrapped presents under the tree, and one was shaped like a Tamagotchi package, and I did ask for a Tamagotchi this year! =D

I asked for an xbox 360, and I did get it because my dad ordered it online and I was home when it came in xD Also a bunch of games, and clothes :3

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