Do you still play with B&W Tamagotchis?


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Do you still play with Tamagotchis that have black and white screens?

  • No

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • Yes, somewhat often

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • Yes, a lot!

    Votes: 33 66.0%

  • Total voters
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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
In the Tamagotchi FaceBook groups, I noticed I mostly see people running color-screen Tamagotchis. Sometimes I see photos of people running several color-screen Tamagotchis but no colors or vintages, and it made me wonder if many people still care about black and white Tamagotchis.

I still play with my Connections, Tama-Go, and Tamagotchi Friends as much as my color screen Tamagotchis, maybe even moreso. They may not be as advanced but they are still wonderful in their own ways.

How about you?

Note: Regarding the poll, you are meant to choose according to how often you run B&W Tamagotchis in relation to all the time you spend running your Tamagotchis, not in relation to the time in your life in general. For example, if you only run Tamagotchis once every few months but always play with black and white screened ones, you'd still choose 'Yes, a lot!'

Most of my collection is B&W Tamas, all but one, my P's! I have 22 B&W Tamas from V1 - Tamagotchi Friends. Most are connections. I'm running a Familitchi (V5) right now actually, thinking about adding a V4.5 as well to my running Tamas.

I do not own any color ones, so yes I still use black and white ones. V 4.5, V5, and Music Star are the ones that I still run. However, it's very rare that I do so now since I don't have the time.

I only have two colored screen tamas so naturally I play with the b&w ones quite often. Also, I feel much more comfortable taking my b&w ones out with me than I do the color screen ones. (It's a $15 tama vs. a $60 tama which one am I going to risk getting ruined? :p )

I only have a 4U+ and a m!x, no b&w tamas, so I had to choose no. I'm sure I would, given the chance, though. :)

I still run my greyscale tamas every now and then when I choose to run one. Also my Uratamas, and Akais. I'll choose to run those over any of my color ones.

I have 4 colour tamas (and a tamagezi) but I don't run any of them, I have them purely for collection purposes. I think the nostalgia of the B&W ones is what makes me like them more, plus I don't feel like I have to collect loads of stuff and do things a certain way to "complete" them. IMO the animations for items, eating, moving etc all just seem so much cuter and more innocent on the B&W ones. I also have a busy work and social life so I naturally go towards easier to run tamas, V4 is my absolute favourite version but I don't even have the time to get points up for a good job etc so I just go for my Familitchi.

I also think the shell designs and size of the connections looks a lot nicer. I'm not a fan of faceplates and like the variety of shell designs the connections and vintages had, also the colour tamas are just too bulky for my liking.

I actually rarely look at the Tamagotchi groups on FB and hardly ever go on Instagram now just because it's 80% colour tamas (obviously M!X right now) and I just don't care for it :c I always get so happy when I see a B&W post, whether photo or text c:

The only editions I have, along with other non-Tama virtual pets, are B&W. I like the crudeness of the older releases. Actually, my collection is focused mostly on 90's virtual pets. However I would like to have a color Tamagotchi eventually because they do look really cute. :)

Up until recently, even though I still had my original Connexion from ten years ago, I exclusively played with colour Tamas. Nearly all of my collection is colour Tamas, right up until a couple of weeks ago, actually, when my friend gave me one of her Angelgotchis. I ran it and it's so adorable. Since then I've bought myself a Tamagotchi Nano and I love it! I kind of find that the colour Tamas are more like a 'game', in the sense that there is so much to unlock and do, while the black and white Tamas are more like, well, virtual pets, if that makes sense? I tend to only run my colour Tamas when I have time, but will keep the black and white one going constantly.

I think my collection will still primarily be colour Tamas, but I'm definitely interested in getting more black and white ones as I'd forgotten how fun they can be in their simplicity.

My absolute favorite Tamagotchi version is the P2 from 1997! Even though I only have one, it's the one I most enjoy running, so yes, I play with the black and white ones a lot more often than my color. The only color version I have is a TMGC+C anyway (which I love and am running at the moment, but it's just not the same! :D ). The versions from the early 2000's are also the most fun to me - especially the V2 and V3. For some reason, there's button lag on the V4 and it turns me off a little from choosing to play it as often as the others, though I do enjoy the concept of getting a job and going to school.

Another reason for my love of the older versions are the original characters. I can't get used to all the new characters on the newer versions and I don't know them as well. I like that the V2 (or V3? I can't remember...) had a lot of characters borrowed from Osu/Mesu which are definitely some of my favorites as well (especially Pyonchichi and Pyonkotchi)!

I only play with my black Tama-Go (which was a gift), and my V4. I used to own 2 Music Stars too but, those are long gone now ;-;. I am now trying to get a V4.5, or another V6. ;)

Obviously yes!

I'm running a B&W Tama right now and I'm waiting for another one in the mail in the next few days ;)

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I still play a lot with my vintages, connections and (not so much) friends. I prefer the simpleness and actually caring for a pet factor, and normally have a mixture of tamas running to get the best of both worlds!


I've got three going and another in the mail. I prefer the B&W ones because of their simplicity.

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