Do you remember your first tama?


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My first REAL Tamagotchi was actually the game for Game Boy, haha. My dad got me a Giga Pet (he thought Tamagotchi was a Japanese knock-off, oof) and I was never able to keep it alive longer than a few hours because my school had a ZERO tolerance policy for any virtual pets - getting caught with one meant it was confiscated immediately, even during recess.

The Game Boy version remains my favorite and I wish there was a portable device that offered the same experience? I'm just getting into Tamagotchi again, so I'm hoping the v4.5 I ordered will be similar. :>

Got my first tama in 1997 when i was in 6th grade. I still have it. Its the P1 clear green shell with blue buttons and no writing. I remember hearing about them from a friend at school and my mom went and got me one as soon as they were released. The only other one i ever had is a P2 that im currently running. Its the clear blue shell with silver buttons and writing

I had several virtual pets in the 90s but I didn't buy my first Tamagotchi until college. I played the Tamagotchi Connection DS game before I bought my first tama. I bought a 20th Anniversary mini recently and now I can't stop!

I do :) I'm relatively young, so my first tama was a v4. It was the punk gray shell. I remember I was in third grade and one of my friends would always play with it. On the first day of fourth grade, I showed it to him and asked him if he wanted to play with it, and he said 'ew you still play with that?'. I was so heartbroken lol. Anyways, I always got Masktchi and Gozarutchi because bad care heh :,) but still my fave gen to this day and I wish I can eventually find another one.

I got my first Tamagotchi Friends (this was quickly after they came out) from Amazon after asking my

friend what those "egg-shaped things" were.

I really enjoyed playing with it. Then I bought the Dream Town version.

Good times, good times. ^_^


My first Tamagotchi bought in Lakeside in early 1997. Was a choice between this one and a translucent red. Eventually went for this version.

When I was a baby, my mom would take care of both me and my brothers' tamagotchis while they were at school lol...

not sure if they were real or knockoffs, but one of them had angel chracters. i also played with them for a bit, but of course i dont remember much.

My first "own" virtual pet was the colored pikachu pet, but that was still shared among us three. after a couple of "50 pets in one!!", i finally got my V3 for christmas when i was like 5.

i never let go of it and convinced everyone who befriended me to get a tama so we can connect


My first Tama was a V2. I still have it, but when my niece was living with us, she got into my tama's when she was little and colored the screens with markers. If anyone knows how to remove marker from a tamagotchi screen, please let me know lol

My first Tama was a V2. I still have it, but when my niece was living with us, she got into my tama's when she was little and colored the screens with markers. If anyone knows how to remove marker from a tamagotchi screen, please let me know lol
That sounds like the kind of thing that would cause me an aneurysm.

My first one was the blue Connection V3, which I begged for after my best friend let me play with one of his on a school field trip. I seem to remember a different screen background though? It's currently sitting in a drawer in my bedroom but it still worked last time I tried it. My younger brother got the green one but his kept dying before we could get them to marry (to my endless frustration). I think we finally did it though!


Yeah, I started off pretty recently!

Well I was on yt, and I found a Tama video and then I thought: I need one of these!

So with my amazon gift card, I asked my parents if I could spend my 15 pound gift card on a Tama. They had never heard of them, but they said yes.

Now, I had my heart set out for a friends, but (obviously) I only had 15, so I could only get a cheap fake one

So then I had it for maybe a month, and my dad found a tamagotchi Friends on eBay for I th8nk was 8 pounds?

So we got that, I had it and my sister, (TamagoLuckyCat) got it instead. (Not for long!)

A few days later, the reset button got jammed into the circuit board and it would not reset.

Then she got a tamagotchi Friends

My first tama was a fake 168-in-1 red penguin thing which I broke. xD My first Bandai tama was a pink swirl mini <3

I was about 13 or 14 when the very first gen 1 Tamagotchis came out. It was big. It seemed so technologically advanced at the time.

I remember seeing Tamagotchis on the news.

My first virtual pet was a Raku Raku Dinokun around 1998.

I actually didn't get my first Tamagotchi until I was in my 20s. It was a V4.

Vpets will always have a special place in my heart.

I do too!! I got a p1, I thought it was so fun and never stopped. then my teacher caught me and I got it taken away for the day. then checked and he was dead. :angry:  this was like 1 month ago.  

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I remember it like it was yesterday. It was 2003, I was in third grade, eight years old. My best friend at the time had the V3 Tropical design and I wanted one because she had spent hours showing me all its features and how adorable it was and I wanted one so badly. So I went home and told my mom I wanted one, but she said she wouldn't get me one since it would just be "another toy you don't play with". I was pretty upset until my grandpa (who lived with us at the time) heard our conversation and said he would get me one. We drove to Toys R Us and I ran through the aisle's until I found literally one tamagotchi left. It was the V3 Zebra Stripe and I thought it was super ugly. My grandpa evidently thought so too since he said, "Are you sure you want that? We can come back when they have more in stock..." I was determined to get one right away so I said no, that I would take the ugly Zebra one and that was the one I wanted even though it really wasn't. He bought it for me and I immediately ripped opened the packaging and began to read the instructions and started to play. I feel bad that I didn't appreciate the design at the time, because a few years later I traded for a snake skin V3 and I miss my zebra print terribly. Now that I'm older I can appreciate that it was a cute shell design. 

In short, thanks grandpa for starting the obsession! My mom still thinks its weird that after all these years, at 22 years old, I am still an avid collector and have a large collection.  ^_^

Mine was a V1 Connection. I was very little when I got it, and I have no idea what happened to it. It had a dark blue semi-translucent shell with white buttons. I also had a pink cherry V3 and popcorn V5 Celebrity but those are also long gone unfortunately. I don’t really remember playing with the first two, except for pretending the V3 was a cell phone and playing on TamaTown with dialup :D

My first tama ended up being a Music Star that came in a set. Too bad I was so young and ended up getting rid of it later on. But the first tama I actually held onto (until now just recently due to it getting stolen D:) was a black Tama-GO that I'd gotten for christmas one year. I still really miss that tama ;w;.
