I remember my oldest sister having one waaay back when, and apparently my other sister had one too, but I don't remember that. Anyway, when Tamagotchi Connections first came out, my oldest sister was very excited since she had spent so much time with her P1 (which she no longer had). My dad took the three of us to Toys R Us one day over the summer to get one for each of us. I remember the exact spot in the store where they were located! Anyway, I picked out the Orange with Bursts one, while my oldest sister took the Green one with Stripes. My other sister got the Light Pink one with Hearts. We were all very happy! Then, (off topic sorta) we went to the mall, but I remember we all opened ours and starting playing with them; I was addicted as soon as I pulled that tab!
We went on a cruise later that summer, and we all obviously took our Tamas. That was the first time we all got adults! My middle sister and I both got Masktchi/Maskutchi, which I wasn't that happy about

. But probably because I didn't want to have the same one as my sister. I also didn't know that it was a bad-care adult

. My oldest sister got Hanatchi, but I wasn't too jealous.
When they were finally popular in school and everyone had one, I was talking to someone about her Tamagotchi. She had Gozarutchi, and I was sooo impressed! AND she was on her 2nd generation!!! She told me that when it's old, it can get married and have a baby, which starts a new generation! I hadn't known that because mine always died...
So that's my recollection of my first Tamagotchi, which I still have but never really play with. Oh yeah, and one time when I was little, I was twisting the keychain part until it was unable to twist anymore, but I kept twisting, and it broke! So I had to take a keychain part of some pen and use pliers to get it back on... Not the same...
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