Do you remember your first tama?


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A V3 for easter a long time ago (Seems like) . Only V3 ive ever had and it still works! At school the next week, everyone had one! haha! =D

I totally remember!


My mom had promised my sister and I that she would take us to Wal-mart,

and buy us each a new toy.


I was totally excited. I really wanted a new Bratz doll.

My sister and I rushed to the toy section.

And you know what I saw?


A huge display of Tamagotchis.

I was caught by the name.

It sounded Japanese. I loved all things japanese even when I was 9.


I looked at them, trying to figure out what they were.

My sis told me they were virtual pets.

So we both got one!


I remember when I hatched mine, I was so excited.

It died the same night because I over fed it.

My sister got the match maker wayyy before I ever got that far.


I forgot about tamas until I found it again a few years later.

Bought new batteries, and have been hooked ever since :3

Mine was a pink striped V4 in 2007, I think. I named it Lucky. It turned into an Itchigotchi but I don't remember much after that. haha I still having laying around here somewhere....

ine is the V4, I think about 4 years ago. I liked it. It still wasn't harmed. BUt my tamas kept on dieing. Untill I got a succesful adult Tosakotchi

Mine was a V4, I remember getting a character that had boots and makeup on, and a ponytail, and I was like..


I wa a lot younger. My first one was a V1 with adorable hearts. I remember it first was a Hanatchi. I used and loved it so much. Now I still have it but it doesn't work. :eek:

And when the V2s came out, I got one, of course my baby sis dumped it in milk. :angry: Then my dad got me my first and fave v3. I have a bunch now.

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I remember my oldest sister having one waaay back when, and apparently my other sister had one too, but I don't remember that. Anyway, when Tamagotchi Connections first came out, my oldest sister was very excited since she had spent so much time with her P1 (which she no longer had). My dad took the three of us to Toys R Us one day over the summer to get one for each of us. I remember the exact spot in the store where they were located! Anyway, I picked out the Orange with Bursts one, while my oldest sister took the Green one with Stripes. My other sister got the Light Pink one with Hearts. We were all very happy! Then, (off topic sorta) we went to the mall, but I remember we all opened ours and starting playing with them; I was addicted as soon as I pulled that tab!

We went on a cruise later that summer, and we all obviously took our Tamas. That was the first time we all got adults! My middle sister and I both got Masktchi/Maskutchi, which I wasn't that happy about :( . But probably because I didn't want to have the same one as my sister. I also didn't know that it was a bad-care adult :angry: . My oldest sister got Hanatchi, but I wasn't too jealous.

When they were finally popular in school and everyone had one, I was talking to someone about her Tamagotchi. She had Gozarutchi, and I was sooo impressed! AND she was on her 2nd generation!!! She told me that when it's old, it can get married and have a baby, which starts a new generation! I hadn't known that because mine always died... :p

So that's my recollection of my first Tamagotchi, which I still have but never really play with. Oh yeah, and one time when I was little, I was twisting the keychain part until it was unable to twist anymore, but I kept twisting, and it broke! So I had to take a keychain part of some pen and use pliers to get it back on... Not the same...

Thanks for taking your time to read this essay! :eek:

I remember my first Tama. It was a V4.5 and it was the yellow one with different colored dots on it (It was called "Yellow Mood" I believe) and it ran out of battery. I wasn't a Tama fan for a very long time yet I'm a big one right now! LOLZ

Back when I was in 4th grade, my sister passed on her Tamagotchi Connection V1 to me because I had been wanting one. At the time, I was an extremely bad caretaker. My Tamagotchis would always die before the matchamaker came, so I always ended up resetting. When I had finally raised one to the age where the matchmaker came, I honestly had no idea what had happened. I pushed a button and the "love" screen came up. I said yes because I thought that would make my Tamagotchi happy, but then when it was over I noticed a baby. I ran around my house and shouted "I made it have a baby!" thinking that was the coolest thing in the world. Then I learned about generations and became a better caretaker. Haha.

Ahh, memories.

My first adult tamagotchi was a Kuchipatchi on my v1, it turned into a kuchipatchi while my parents were inteveiwing babysitters for me, <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>AT HER HOUSE!</span>

Aww, gotchigirl, that's sooooo cute!

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Ah the good old day's...

I got my first tamagotchi in March of 2007. I had got Nintendogs the week before so I was likeing the whole Virtiral pet thing and I just randomly remembered the tamagotchi camarcial. I sent to look for them at shop-co but they where $20 so my parents wouldn't let me (They had V4.5's). The next day we went to look at Wall Mart and they where out! So we went to K-Mart and they where out of them as well! At this point I was very sad and just wanted to go home but my mom needed to get some medicine at Wall-Greens and guess what she found there, Tamagotchi V3's! There where 3 there, a pink one, a blue one with flowers, and a red one with stars. She got my and my bro the red and blue ones. I got the red (It's my fav color) and he got the blue (Same reason). I opened mine imediantly and took the tab out. About 5 minutes later a little baby girl appeared! I named her May. At this point I had no idea how to do anything so I was just seeing what everything did. At this point that wasn't our main concern, my brothers tama wouldn't hatch! Well About 20 minutes later we got to our grandma's house and rean the instructions. We quickly found out how to get my little bro's tama to work (Reseting it) and within minutews we had a baby boy named Max. Anyway while my mom read the instructions, my and my bro started to figure out our tamas. We found out how to feed it, clean up after it, check it's happy/hunger, and turn the lights off. About 20 minutes later my little bro was upset because he must of thought you could only play that one music notes game. He was crying (I don't know why) and called it a "Rip off", so we returned his the next day. Anyway about 10 minutes after that mine became the beaked tot. I continued to play mine all day untill he went to bed at 8PM. The next day I was constantly checking on my tama before school to see if it woke up, but it didn't. At this point I didn't know how to pause so I left it on the counter and went to school. The next day he evolved into the ball beaked teen, and the next day it became Kuchipatchi! :ph34r: Kuchipatchi stayed with me untill age 5 when he departed when I was at school. :mellow: He had 4 training bars, waighed 20 pounds, and had sevrial items. I imediantly started it up again. This one only made it untill noon the next day. He departed when I was watching a movie. After that I learned how to pause, and about the matchmaker and started to raise generations! I made it to generation 7 before I got an oldie and had to reset. Then I got to gen 3 where I had a Memetchi that I forgot at home for a few hours and somehow it departed. I've been raiseing generations since then and i'm on generation 23!

And I guess that''s my story!

yes, it was a girl i--i named her daisy

she was a v3

started out as a teletchi moved on to a tamatchi then young mametchi then to a violetchi

i loved that Tama :D

I think it was in 4th grade,, well sometime when the v4 came out and it was easter day and I woke up before anyone else did and there it was in a basket, I was playing with it the whole day XD.

For some reason every time I get a new tamagotchi it ends up growing into a gozarutchi XD.

Not that I'm complaining, he's like my favorite tama!

i do im holding it right now xD my other two are out of battery :'( :wacko:

My first Tama was actually not a Tama, but one of the knockoffs. It was some dinosaur and it came in this green egg-like thing that had a shell covering the screen. You pushed a little button and the shell would swing open like a door. It was actually a really cool digital pet because the dinosaur gets so big that it covers the screen. Unfortunately, it was stolen from me and I've never seen that kind of digital pet since :wacko:
My first Tamagotchi was a black one that I found in my desk in school. I turned it into the alien
dinky dino

My first Tamagotchi was the old P1 when they first came out in Canada, it was all orange with yellow buttons.

I remember having absolutely NO idea how to use it, but my brother was all "expect" about his yellow-tiger stripes one, and would help me every now and then.

About a few years later, one of my friends had the Gameboy game, and she let me borrow it. I remember the first time I ever seen the Death scene on that game, I was scared shitless.

Even to this day, I can't bring myself to watch that scene again, for some reason.

So after I became scared of Tamagotchi thanks to the Gameboy game, I never touched one again until very recently. Buying a V5 from one of the members here on TamaTalk.
what ish teh "death scene" :wacko:

I remember my first tama.My first tama was a version 3 and I'd got it the day before me and my family went on holiday, while on holiday my dad thought I was getting 2 addicted 2 it, so he broke it by throwing it intoa pool

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yes i ember it very well i was in third of fourth grade and i didnt even know what they were until my cousin said to me i want a tamagotchi really bad so i asked what they were and she told me about them so i begged my mom to get me one and she did:) my very first one was the v3 now i have ten tamagotchis :huh:

My first Tamagotchi was a version 2 and I still have it. ;) I actually got 2 of them at the time but eventually one of them never worked again but the other did.

It seems that V2 is one of the most famous tamagotchi...

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twas a camo v4. for easter. i do believe my grandma thought they were "easter toys" with they're little egg shapes. i also think she got mine and carsons mixed because i got the awwsome green camo (i am a girl) and he got the pretty blue one with shooting stars

my first tama was a v3 the special one well thats what my freinds told me and so they all had them and i wanted one and once i got one everyone gotone and then they went bye bye but one of them did have tha tamagotchi school

my first one was a dinosaur-fake my dad gave to me after his journey to germany. i loved it and took it with me everywhere. unfortunately it broke down after a couple of months .____. i was crying the whole day. when my uncle saw how sad i was, he bought me an tamagotchi angel ;) as i was 5 i didn't know how it worked so i thought the "off" at the light-symbol means that i could turn the tama off haha
