My first tama was a v6, and I got it around 2 years ago :3
I found out about tamas when my sister's friend gave her a Tamagotchi (v4.5)
I thought it was pretty cool and I wanted one sooo badly, I begged my mom and dad almost every day XD
But then one day, my sis's v4.5 died, and then I thought "Oh no! I don't want that to happen to my tama!" I literally thought they would all die, and I was seriously scared of them for a year or so after that XD But then a few years later, I saw a tama in the store (the v6) I grabbed it and showed my dad, and he let me get it!

DD I was happy, and still worried it would die on me, but then a week or so later, It didn't die, so I was all like

DDDD but I still never left my tama in my room at night because I thought it would beep repeatedly (like the v4.5 did XD)