Do you remember your first tama?


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i got my very first tamagotchi when i was 6, although it was a v1. the design was solid white. i had only managed to get it to generation 4 then it died. but the very first adult i had was like a superhero, with a mask and cape on. now i have almost every single tamagotchi avaible in north america but not the tamagotchi go (or whatever).

My first Tama that I remember was a pearlescent pink Connection Version 1. I had a tama-like thing back in the 90's but I can't remember if it was a real Tama or not.

A tama from the 1990's when they originally came out :) sadly I lost it when we moved house all those years ago :(

I cannot remember my first tam considering that I was only one XD

Apparently one day my dad came home and he said I gotz a toy for ZuZu!

Mom: whatzit?

Dad:eek:ne of thoes tamagotchi things!*tadaa*


Dad: what?

Mom: did you say... cute egg?! (mom is japanese see ;P)

Dad: issa virtual pet!

Mom: what is a baby gonna do with a tamagotchi?

Dad: uhhh dunno.

Me : dada! :3

Dad: here is your new toy!

Me: *puzzled look*

yeah well my dad ended up losing that P1 D: oh well...

Back when I was 4 yrs old, my grandma got me a V1. I think it was green. Haha, I thought I was the smartest little kid in the neighborhood, but my tama kept dying. haha Ironic. Then a neighbor gave me one that looked like a T-rex popping out of an egg, but for the life of me, I don't know what happened to it. Then for my 5th birthday, grandma got me a black V2, I was so happy. Then one day, my dad took me to a diner & when we left, I couldn't find it. =( I was so sad, I cried the whole way home. I haven't had one again up until I was 16. I went to Fred Meyers with my mom & it was there in the kids department!! I think I got the V 4.5 late, right before the V5 came out. I still have it to this day. Last Friday I got a Tama-Go! Haha

For the older ones, I think I had a Kuchipatchi in the V2. I had a bunch in the V4.5, but nothing amazing. haha So now I hope to get pro at this.

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first 2004.

purple v1.


had to pause it a lot.

loved it with all my heart.

eventually broke.

now resides in a trashcan somewhere.


My first one was the ones from 1990's, US first day of release I think? My brother when to line up and got himself and me one. He told me he would get me one even though i have no idea what hes talking about. Basically I became very into virtual pets from that day onward...eventually stopping after angel tamagotchi. Not until 2 or 3 years ago that i started again with Music Star (seems like i missed a lot of goodies all these years).

My memories, Cronological order. This is around 2005:

First Memory: Jumping up and down on a trampoline in Chester, England, with two boys (Fammily friends children) and their Tamas. I was interested. I laso learnt the downsides (one of them was heavily overweight). Went to plead mum for one.

2.: Its probably the same day, or the following... at a toystore, I see the yellow and red Connection v1, which I promptly buy. My mum and sister dont believe I will be able too take care of them, and scoff me while I dream of starting it up at a restraunt. They dont understand that a tamam can be left alone for a while, and think I will be dealing with daily deaths because it will die while I am in school.

3: This is only an Image in my head, Where I am holding my tama just above the pouch in my schhool bag I kept it in

4: My Tama Is REALLY SICK. The skull is a differrent color, and so I think its dead, not having dealt with a Total death before (just a generation change) We go pester a friends mum who was taught how to use a tama by her daughter. She sorted the situation for us

5: Mostly just conceptts of memories: The functions, the way It would always Reset When I dropped it, how evryy generation got the same female name in the hopes of it being a girl, cause I hadnt figured out the "If the baby is black its a boy, if its white its a girl" thing out yet, and had to wait till I could see thhe status screen.

6: missing the release of the next gen, and being BAFFELD by a hype, where everone suddenly had better tamas than me XD

7: It becoming to much for me and deciding to stop the next time I dropped it and it went into reset (I remember where this happened.. and the tama it happened too. My first girl, thhe gender I always prayed for because of having bad expieriences with boys - mobbing and betrayal(That was In kindergarten They would be my best friends and then turn their back on me))

8: Having it lie around till i gave it to a friend.

9: AND as recent of today, my friend is gving it back to me (as soon as she has a chance. Her grandma has aodd rules in the hous including my friend s not aloud to bring friends indoors we have to stay on the playground because she had bad grades) :D I want it back for sentimental reasons, and will probably replace it with a music star for her.

(Aegis: I know that "Missing the goodies" thing. I stopped form the v1 in connection, all the way to here 0-0)

I bought my very first tamagotchi with the money I earned ($25) after a week of work experience at a pet store. It was a blue with bronze stars connexion version 2. I remember I was sooooo fascinated by it! LOL

Anyway I still have it, although it's been through a lot and somehow the sound stopped working. But it still can be played but it's just sitting in my drawer right now. I don't think I can ever bear to throw it away!

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My first tama.. Oh man. I got him when connections first came out. I had a really cute light blue V1 that I loved with all of my heart (;

I was at my grandparents house when I hatched him, and I didn't know how to change the letters for the name so he ended up being named "AAAA"

He ended up evolving into a masktchi hahaha

I used to have a Gen1 with clocks on it, until my cousin stole it :p That was way back in 96/97; when the teachers had their drawers stuffed with confiscated tamagotchis. I bought a v3 pink with ice cream, which I still have in a shoebox, in 2006, but I wish I had found back to v-pets, because the toy stores I rummaged through only had v2 as the earliest Tama. I've never played with a V1, but I've seen videos on youtube and I don't think I've missed much.

OMG, what would make me forget the day when I bought my first Tama as a five-year-old? I sure do remember getting a V3 and a V4, and playing them ofr ages. I got Memetchi on one V4, the other died. XD

Ah yes :)

A white v2 with colored circles on it.

And the first tama I ever raised on it was a mametchi named Tammy :mametchi:

Good times :D

My first tama was a V2 That I got in 1997 from WalMart... it was the shell that was yellow with black tiger stripes. I remember begging my mom nonstop for her to get it for me until she finally gave in XD

Mine was a clear blue V2. I got it because my two best friends at the time both had tamas. I ended up chewing the buttons down loads, so in the end I chucked it away because it was really hard to press the buttons.

it was my 1 day at school and my friend had a tamagotchi and i said a what anyway i came out of school and i got a pink one with pupple bunntons and it was a v2 and for my bday i got an v2 again. :furawatchi: :rolleyes:

Ah yes...I definitely remember my first tamagotchi. I had got it from the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Atlanta, and it was the Yellow Matrix v4. That was the beginning of my collection. That led into 3 more v4's ( Camoflague, Pink with Hearts and another Yellow Matrix) which led into a Angelgotchi, a Music Star, a v3, a p1, and a Dinkie Dino. I'm still trying to collect now.
