My memories, Cronological order. This is around 2005:
First Memory: Jumping up and down on a trampoline in Chester, England, with two boys (Fammily friends children) and their Tamas. I was interested. I laso learnt the downsides (one of them was heavily overweight). Went to plead mum for one.
2.: Its probably the same day, or the following... at a toystore, I see the yellow and red Connection v1, which I promptly buy. My mum and sister dont believe I will be able too take care of them, and scoff me while I dream of starting it up at a restraunt. They dont understand that a tamam can be left alone for a while, and think I will be dealing with daily deaths because it will die while I am in school.
3: This is only an Image in my head, Where I am holding my tama just above the pouch in my schhool bag I kept it in
4: My Tama Is REALLY SICK. The skull is a differrent color, and so I think its dead, not having dealt with a Total death before (just a generation change) We go pester a friends mum who was taught how to use a tama by her daughter. She sorted the situation for us
5: Mostly just conceptts of memories: The functions, the way It would always Reset When I dropped it, how evryy generation got the same female name in the hopes of it being a girl, cause I hadnt figured out the "If the baby is black its a boy, if its white its a girl" thing out yet, and had to wait till I could see thhe status screen.
6: missing the release of the next gen, and being BAFFELD by a hype, where everone suddenly had better tamas than me XD
7: It becoming to much for me and deciding to stop the next time I dropped it and it went into reset (I remember where this happened.. and the tama it happened too. My first girl, thhe gender I always prayed for because of having bad expieriences with boys - mobbing and betrayal(That was In kindergarten They would be my best friends and then turn their back on me))
8: Having it lie around till i gave it to a friend.
9: AND as recent of today, my friend is gving it back to me (as soon as she has a chance. Her grandma has aodd rules in the hous including my friend s not aloud to bring friends indoors we have to stay on the playground because she had bad grades)

I want it back for sentimental reasons, and will probably replace it with a music star for her.
(Aegis: I know that "Missing the goodies" thing. I stopped form the v1 in connection, all the way to here 0-0)