I play with mine in public!
I always have, even when they started to fall out of the 'being cool' phase, all those years ago back in school. I'm not very self-concious, mind you, as I've always had people comment on certain things (being 27 years old, wearing overly-flamboyant makeup, whilst donning a Porg rucksack with StarWars/Pokemon/Other 'geeky' clothing and jewellery, alongside bright red/orange hair does me no favours in being discreet
). I've been brought up to do whatever makes you happy (as long as you are not hurting anyone), no matter what other people think (after all, if people are going to be cruel/nasty to you, I don't think they are the sort of people you want or need in your life).
My friends are also all very lovely in the fact that they don't judge and never have (most of them have their own childhood obsessions still going as well
My Fiancé has also got back into them because of me and now has his own little terror to take care of.
My family do not mind me playing with them either- my Mother even asks about the little critters and likes to help me name them. Lol! She has always played with them with me as a kid and even had her own.