Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?


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I got 3 finger puppets today.

One's a purple snail, another is a pourcupine and the other is a sheep/llama I've decided (It just looked cool at the time kay?)

They need names of people who are some of my bestest TT buds because they are my new children.

Can someone name something after me? I know a few of you from fun stuff. (Name is in siggy)
Stuff up for naming:

Bunk beds (One person each bed)




Red vivid marker


Red whiteboard marker

Blue whiteboard marker

Black whiteboard marker


Purple grape scented gel pen

Lots more!
All this stuff is still available. I have a glow in the dark star on my bedroom ceiling which I named starry for obvious reasons.

All this stuff is still available. I have a glow in the dark star on my bedroom ceiling which I named starry for obvious reasons.
Blueee whiteboard markerr =]

Well... let's see... I have:

-silver gel brush

-pink comb

-hair detangler spray

-my ace bandage

and more. But let's see if anyone wants to be this stuff first. <3 Pick away my buddehs.

No. I don't have many TT friends anyway.

I don't name my stuff either.

^ Can I be your.... silver gel brush? My name's tess.

Someone can be my soccer shoe. It has tripped many innocent players and gotten many fouls :)

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