Do you name your stuff after your TT friends?


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I just realized this when I saw it in my locker.

My friend drew me this dinosaur and I had randomly named it Janna. So Janna, you're my dinosaur. I have no clue why, but I figure I might have been talking to you recently or something?

I have no objects up to claim, so if anyone wants to be my long luscious hair speak up now. =OO

Koala scarf.Epical blue cushion.


Baby blanket <3.

Roboraptor (lawl). <-- Michelle.

Orange camel.


Orange + pink zip pencilcase.

Fat Ginger Cat figurine. (I was thinking bout naming it Katie, cuz she has a fat ginger cattt 8D).

Cat doorstopper.
Update :)

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I named my cushion type thing Mikey, cuz it reminded me of him for no particular reason. It's green, blue, orange and yellow.

Sleeping Girl, what's your name again? I'm pathetic ;_; . I shall name one of my toys after you.

Can someone name something after me? I know a few of you from fun stuff. (Name is in siggy)

Stuff up for naming:

Bunk beds (One person each bed)




Red vivid marker


Red whiteboard marker

Blue whiteboard marker

Black whiteboard marker


Purple grape scented gel pen

Lots more!

My mobile

My laptop

My MP3 player Bethie

My socks 8D

My headphones

My *shudder* pink make-up bag

The webcam I'm SUPPOSED to be getting Ksenia

The electric guitar I'm SUPPOSED to be getting

Come ON people. I don't even have to know you. I'll just become your friend, only if you have MSN

^ I'll be your socks! I'm so random! I have MSN!

Look at my other post to see if you want to be any of my items!

My sister got a hot chocolate today, I was so jealous. I missed out on mah hot choccy on Tuesday.

I was at the Opera House. Anything that relates to chocolate is named Mikey. CHOCOLATE BUDS FTW <3 ~

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