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I thought the V2 commercial stunk! This is twice as bad. The focus on TamaTown for almost the whole thing. What is"gotchi tama tama gotchi" for? They focus too much on passwords. They are not even sharing what the tama can do. I loved the V1 commercial.Well, I don't really like it personally. What is the " Gotchi tama tamagotchi? " at the beggining? The V2 commercial was better. It had a cute little song. This one just has words...It won't get as much attention and won't bring as many sales to bandai. I really don't like it. It needs music, rythem, something to catch ppl's eye. ( I love the v3s themsleves though)
agreedI thought the V2 commercial stunk! This is twice as bad. The focus on TamaTown for almost the whole thing. What is"gotchi tama tama gotchi" for? They focus too much on passwords. They are not even sharing what the tama can do. I loved the V1 commercial.My rating of tama commercials:
1. V1 commercial (loved it)
2.V2 commercial (horrible)
3.V3 commercial (twice as bad as #2)
Going in this pattern, the commercials (in my opinion) will get worse and worse. :furawatchi: