Do you know another languge?


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Do you know another languge?

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  • no

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  • well.......i'm learning one.....

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  • Huh? There's different languges!!!! Wow!

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  • I speak like a bajillion!

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Yep. After 3 college semesters, I'm becoming quite fluent in spoken and written Mandarin Chinese. :furawatchi: I'm going to continue learning it until I'm completely fluent. I learn the conversational part extremely well. The written is SO difficult, but I'm getting there. :(

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I speak spanish cause of my country.

I already learned english.

I am learning French And Japanese.

I am learning the Spanish, lol, and I also pick up tidbits of japanese from here and there.

I know english but me main languge is spanish and me granpa sometimes teaches me a little french ;)

i speak mandarin.. english.. malay.. cantonese.. =)

I speak quete a few, actaully! ;)






-and Spanish.


i'd love to learn french. it's a romantic language.. or so i heard. lol

Thank you all for replying! Nobody's forcing you to tell which languge you know or are learning. By the way I know:


Japanese (although not quite fluently.)

and i'm learning


Spanish (ARRRRGh!! My dad is obsessed with me learning this!)

I know two languages.

I learned German before I learned english so I have an accent, although I can hide it pretty well.

Chle mach te suel mo cuez trech ke mach!

^^^ That means "I know german and I love it!"


I'm learining Spanish!

Ok, try to get this: Hola, senorita/senior! Como estas? Me llamo Alimania.

I said, "Hello, Miss/Mr! How are you? My name is Alimania.

It's fun. ^_^

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