"Lizzie...where are my scissors?" Sarah said aloud so her friend could hear her. Lizzie was in her room,"doing homework". Sarah checked in the living room, dining room, the kitchen, and more. But, she never checked Lizzie's room. Sarah felt weird, she hadn't heard from Lizzie for 6 hours, she was still in "her room". Sarah went up stairs, and saw blood coming from under Lizzie's door. She was scared. She pushed the door open, and was shocked of the gruesom sight she saw. Lizzie was in on her bed, her body cut wide open...her eyes large and gaping at the ceiling. Lizzie was holding the scissors in her hands, they were covered in blood., Lizzie's hair was cut off, random clumps hair still on her head. Lizzie's other hand was pointin at the ceiling too, Sarah read the message in blood, "SARAH....COME TO ME!!!! LIZZIE WAS DUMB...AND I LOVE YA!" Sarah screamed, she felt arms wrap around her. "Get off!" Sarah screamed. "Sarah, it is me!!!! Scott!" A familiar voice said. "Scott, why...?!" She screamed trying to wiggle out of his arms, but it was no use. "Woah,Woah.... calm down", Scott said as he pulled a knife to her neck. "Stop squirmin'...or I'll have to...do what I did to Lizzie...", Scott said softly as he kissed Sarah's cheek. Scott was Sarah's ex boy friend, she dumped him because he was obsessed with her. "Scott, let go!" She said squirming, her neck got cut alittle. "AHHH!!!!", Sarah cried as Scott dropped to the ground. "Sarah! I told to stop squiming!!!!! Now look what ya did?!!!!!!" He said,. anger in his voice. Sarah layed there, paralyed in fear and pain. Scott took her legs and dragged her into the bathroom... The next day, Sarah was found dead in the bathroom, as was lizzie....still on the bed. Scott killed himself and was next to Sarah, holding her. The cops were baffled at the sight they saw.