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My French teacher is very strict. We had a 40 question homework and she gave me a check minus for getting two wrong. I think that's unfair.
Yes. I agree.

You should report her to the principal.

But maybe she's just being mean 'cause she wanted to discipline you and your classmates.

Nope. I don't have a mean teacher. There all nice. :)

All my teachers are okay,none of them HATE me.

One teacher doesen't like me turning up late for lessons. Which sucks,because I ALWAYS am on the other side of the school when I have that lesson.

But apart from that,its all fine.

Not neccesarily any mean ones, but one is absolutely boring. He is always going on about "Self-management" and "responsibility" and "Oh, when I was young....." I always feel like going to sleep in that class and I would do anything to miss that class, except skip the class because I'm not that kind of person. xD Yes, he is so boring I call him Mr MacBoring xD

Mean, strict and can never seem to control a class.

Pretty much sums up my teachers. [:

Except the ones that are new. Like my form tutor, she's the nicest thing ever, she brings us in cakes and chocolates and sweets and things for no reason really. [: And when there is a reason, like everyone's just had their jabs or somethin. 8P

And i also forgot to mention my PRINCIPAL! she calls are parents just for nothing, she leaves us in the classrooms AFTER my bus is called! i tell her that my bus number was called and she doesnt let us leave! so my mom has to pick me up from school every. freaking. day.

Not really. One of my teachers is really nice and pretty funny. :( 2 teacher are not all that fun, but they're alright. My PE teacher is pretty normal and not strict.

My teachers are all lovely. They're really hands-on and have an amazing sense of humor. So do the librarians. I love the librarians. If we do happen to get a (somewhat) strict teacher, I wouldn't really mind. They're not being mean, its just their way of doing their job and if they think that we need to be disciplined further, then being strict can actually be useful. The only teacher whom I find is strict is Mrs. McRae who teaches us Gym. She pushes me a bit further because it seems I don't participate enough, although that's just the plain truth :furawatchi: . The principal doesn't really cause any problems either except for-well-monitoring our class 24/7.

Its funny, my pricipal isn't strct at all. When me and my friend came back from our French field trip, we decided to look at the cast list for drama. We were supposed to be having lunch at an odd time because of our trip. And we had to get to lunch right away so we could go to the class we should have been in. Our principal saw us, and just started to talk to us. He didn't care at all. Pretty funny, actually.

This is my 666th post. O_O

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Well. YEAH?!

She was my 3rd Grade teacher, she was a complete *beep*. She gave you Detention if you closed the door loudly. I hated her. Yes, I know, Hate is a strong word.

^ My 2nd grade teacher gave me detention for laughing during class. xD I hated that lady...

She yelled at me because I asked this one kid if I could trade seats with him to sit next to my friend. She was all "IN THIS CLASS, WE ARE ALL FRIENDS!" Oh, and that very same day I got in trouble for not handing in my project and sitting on the rug. You see, I went up and asked her what I was supposed to do and I got yelled at for not listening to what she had said earlier. AND THAT VEEEERRY SAME DAY, I got screamed at a third time because I did the math problem wrong. Apparently I wasn't paying attention in class and that's why I didn't get it. So immediately after that I asked to go to the bathroom and I sat there for a long time crying my eyes out. Joy.

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i have a realy mean teacher at school her name is mrs walker and she seperated me from everyone else cause she thought i was talking but it was someone else not me and everytime i get a question wrong in the book at the question she seems to always ask me and we talk for like 2 hours trying to make me get the question right i get realy stressed my life sucks and all and i just feel like crying every night everyone hates me and i never aloud to join in in handball and people make jokes about how i look like in happy wiv my self well i used to be i love sailormoon but everyone thinks thats stupid oh now in crying ill have to finish typing now in upset about talking about my problems but i hate my teacher and she realy stresses me pla post back about what you think sniff sniff sorry in a bit upset right now but if you have a life like me mabye we could be friends....... or maby not there might be no one else like me im the only one with a bad life:mellow: :D :( :(

and i also forgot to mention my English teacher! She is very strict and she doesn't let us speak french if we speak french we are sent to the office. WTF? I don't need to learn enlgish because i already know english! xD but my grammar is horrible....

theres not really a mean teacher at my school, or strict, theyre all pushovers xD, theyre so fun to mess with!

and i feel really sorry for u KutchipatchiFan :blink: , thats just sad, and messed up, i would punch them if the law allowed it, grrrrrr *glares a the retarted law*

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i have a realy mean teacher at school her name is mrs walker and she seperated me from everyone else cause she thought i was talking but it was someone else not me and everytime i get a question wrong in the book at the question she seems to always ask me and we talk for like 2 hours trying to make me get the question right i get realy stressed my life sucks and all and i just feel like crying every night everyone hates me and i never aloud to join in in handball and people make jokes about how i look like in happy wiv my self well i used to be i love sailormoon but everyone thinks thats stupid oh now in crying ill have to finish typing now in upset about talking about my problems but i hate my teacher and she realy stresses me pla post back about what you think sniff sniff sorry in a bit upset right now but if you have a life like me mabye we could be friends....... or maby not there might be no one else like me im the only one with a bad life:mellow: :( B) :(
Well, trying to make your answer right is what teachers are also supposed to do. They want to make sure you know the facts and that they are in your head just in case you might use it when you grow up. :(

Well, on topic. Once, I had a sub in 3rd grade, and the sub was kinda strict, but not REALLY strict.

Yes, This one Counselor teacher person.

She's one of those Holier-than-thou people, and She treats my Brother like Crap, just because my Brother is Slow [He has FAS], It doesn't mean she should treat him like Dirt, Sure, I treat him like dirt, but I'm his Sister.

I have no use for that ...Female Dog.

Lots of students say that the Cosmeotology teacher is a huge ....Female Dog.

I think she's alright. So far.

As for the Math teacher, He's a Douche-bag.

Theres also another random teacher, He has a ****-face. Creeper. He just like, stares at female students throughout the hallway. He stopped me once as I was walking to class, He was all "Well, What class are you supposed to be in?" With his Creeper face. I said "I'm going to Social-Studies in Mrs-Blahblahblah's class" Then he was all pointing at his class room, Then he said "What class is your Block 2? " So I said Gym. He was annoying. I just wanted to like, get a toothpick and like, Poke his creeper eyes out.

And Another teacherish person [not really a teacher, but an EA] stopped me in the hallway, because He thought I should be in the Resource Center/Library Studying, since thats what most grade 12'ers do. He didn't believe that I was in Grade 9, He was all "But you're tall" Theres even another girl in my class/grade 9, Who's taller than me.

Today we had a sub that was pretty strict and said, "Don't give me that attitude" when we corrected the names that the sub mispronounced. She also goes, "SHH!" whenever we do a peep.

Someone told the principal on the teacher and the teacher talked to us for a straight, long, time.

I've had a few teachers that are a bit strict, but I typically love all of my teachers.

Except for Ms Doe.

And Ms Bush.

Ms Doe was always freakishly bright but passive aggressive.

And Ms Bush always seemed like she had a pinecone stuck up her ar*e. Just irritable and nasty. Man, I would have sold my soul to get rid of her in elementary school.

Mrs. Forster.

and Mrs Magic.

Mrs forster Was our crazy math teacher, who had a anger problom. shes not our teacher, she got fired! -_-

And our current Music Teacher..Mrs Magic. But people refur to her as "TT" because she has turner syndrome (info about it: She has a high pitched voice and she is very short and she is only 30! o_. she punches people who are mean to her, and boy does she pack a punch! >.< But heres something funny about her, Because she has turner syndrome we like to call her "Timmy-Turner-Girl" so we call her that now.

her nickname used to be miss meanie but that was stupid.

I Have a teacher in library no one knows her name but people call her mrs Z. i hate the way she closes into my face, with her horrible coffee breath. *gags* her eyes just look weird, and when someone makes a noise she sends them straght to the office, WTH! and i hate my math teacher because she just overeacts to much.
.....Does she have salt and pepper hair??? I had a spanish teacher Mrs.Z and she had weird eyes and sent people to the office a alot. o_o

I hate both of my gym teachers. One always yells at me and the other is just stupid xD.

And then theres this creeper teacher Mr.Rogers. He's much like Chelle's creeper. xD

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