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i think i have a nightmare problem because everytime i go to bed i have this big nightmare and when i wake up from it im sweating and im screaming at the top of my lungs o.0
1. CVS or Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (it's rare only 3% of the population has it)
i have that too. ive never met anyone else with it. it sucks. i dont have it anymore but i still get the headaches and migranes.
i have:
•cyclic vomiting syndrome - which caused me to be a twig until i was 10.
•depression (my parents dont believe me about this one. they say im "too happy". not really)
•im showing signs of anorexia.
•i think i might be bipolar.
•might have adhd or add.
i know i already made a post but it was a long time ago.
I'm sorry, but in conjunction with your avatar, that's rather funny.
I'm a terrible person.
Um, anyway... :|
Already posted some of this, but I have some things to take out and add in, so yeah!
1. Depression
2. Social Anxiety Disorder
3. Delayed Sleep-Phase Disorder
4. ADD
5. Neurofibromatosis
6. Myopia
7. Strabismus
8. Chronic Tension-Type Headache
9. Still need an official diagnosis, but I'm 99% sure I'm an aspie.
10. Visual snow, halos, starbursts, glaring...
11. I don't know what this is called, but basically my brain doesn't always process words and sentences correctly. Both auditory and when reading.
Like, sometimes when it's just a sentence, I can tell you what each individual word means, but the sentence itself makes zero sense.
Or if it's just words, the meaning doesn't translate in my head. It'd be like if I spoke to you in a language you don't speak. You know I'm making sense, you just don't know what I'm saying.
The above is both reading and auditory. The below is just auditory.
Sometimes words/sentences literally processes as complete gibberish. You say the cat sat on the mat, my brain processes bluhblahgudlkfdgkldhgf.
Other times it just simply doesn't process at all. I hear you, but my brain is just blank...
Other times, what I hear is different than what is processed. you say fifteen, my brain processes fifty. You say eighteen, my brain processes eighty.
Auditory processing disorder, maybe. But what I do know about it, I'd say no. :|
I can't really be diagnosed and medicated for this until I am 18 years of age. It's kind of a complicated disorder, but I'm finally happy to get an answer."Borderline personality disorder is a condition in which people have long-term patterns of unstable or turbulent emotions, such as feelings about themselves and others.
These inner experiences often cause them to take impulsive actions and have chaotic relationships."
wow, im not the only one that blurts out stuff! o.oAutism Asperger. Its sucks so much that sometimes don't know how to control myselfAnd sometimes when we are doing math and sometimes yell out "Box and wisker plots!" I don't know why but I do