Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...


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1.Depression, which leads to self harm

2.Borderline personality disorder

Not much, actually^^

They should make up a disorder for me because I can't stop chewing and picking my nails! What could that be called? Hey, I just made up my own disorder?
It's called pica, it's a eating disorder. Eating your nails might be just a nervous habit, so don't worry

*This is about the disorder, and what I eat, if you are easily disgusted, please don't read...*

I have it too. I eat hair*,*dried blood,dead skin,ice and I chew on fabrics.

* Please don't make rude comments about my disorder. I can't help it and if you think it's gross just keep it to yourself please. I'm really sensitive when it comes to this....

Low blood pressure count
Wow, I never knew there was such a thing! O: I have high blood pressure, but wow... I never heard anyone with low blood pressure.... I'm just curious, but what's it like? If you don't feel comfortable answering, that's fine.

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I've got psoriasis, a disease where I think the brain tells your skin to make more cells necessary and creates an icky gross patch of white or reddish skin. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I've got in on my scalp. I'm blind in my right eye, and I think what I have is called a "Stigmatism". Not entirely sure because I don't pay much attention. I have Acid Reflux, but its very mild and doesn't act up dramatically. I also might have lymes disease, according to my mom. I have issues with my joints and what not. I also tend to get canker sores a lot on my lips and gums, usually in the same places. I don't know if this counts, but I have a mutation where I have clubbed thumbs, meaning they look like big toes almost.

I woudn't say I have any disorders or diseases or anything, but I have a really bad temper and I get set off sometimes. I also get a bit twitchy when cold wind blows on me or when I get a bit too excited. Of course, that's just me.

I used to have depression. That was terrible, but I went to a therapist for a bit, and it helped. I got past it medication-free. :)

I have nothing else right now, that I know of, at least.

Ack... Lots.

Depression when I was 12

Anorexia when I was 11

Split Personalilty Disorder

OCD (I can't let people touch my neck, my insoles, and I have to wake up at 5am on schooldays and 7am on weekends. Otherwise I spaz.)

Coeliac's disease


I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was nine and anorexia when I was fourteen. Still suffer from both of those.

I used to have depression, diagnosed for that when I was thirteen, but I'm not depressed anymore.

Not really anything for me, except for eczema since I was little. So my forearms, neck, and behind my knee areas get itchy, usually depending on the season. Winter gets really annoying... But I put on lotion, which seems to calm it down.

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I have minor OCD. This came from a kind of self diagnosis, after I looked up the symptoms. I become EASILY obsessed with anything. At the moment it is airports and planes. 2 months ago, it was Matthew Gray Gubler, and Criminal Minds. I also have a way fo getting dressed in the morning. Like a routine that I can't break. I put on my shirt, then my tights, then my skirt, then my jumper, then my tie and then my shoes. I also have to have my trampoline in a certain place bfore I jump on it.

I may have anger issues, but they're not bad.

Also something that's not a disorder, but it has happened before. When I go on the Singapore Airlines flights to and from Singapore, I love flying. But I always manage to have a panic attack at 36, 000ft. Like, as soon as the plane hits that, I panic. Last time it was so bad, they put me on oxygen. Once I can breathe, I'm fine. Flying honestly doesn't bother me, because I love it. My mum found something. The four times I have flown with Singapore Airlines, I've always had congested sinuses. Because that makes it hard for me to breathe through my nose, everyone suspects that that could be why.

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ah, most likely OCD.

I wasn't diagnosed for it, but the signs are all there:

I wash my hands right after waking up, and before bed, and clean out anything I stick to my body before using them, like earbuds.

I just feel really disgusted if I don't do that. Plus, I don't like keeping closed doors a little open, or open doors a little closed.

They either have to be fully closed, or fully open.

I have the symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder, as well.

I've been legally blind since birth.- I was born with a rare genetic condition called Achromatopsia.

4 years ago I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis.

I also have bad seasonal type allergies, and Asthma.

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Woah, there are more people with Asperger's/Autism than I thought!

A.D.H.D, Bi-Polar. Mental Instability. I got a report saying my actions and my way of thinking is that of a 13 year old and I cannot communicate well with others. I also am slightly suicidal for reasons I don't want to say.

Yes. I thought I may explain it a tiny bit more.


I have had it for absolutly agesssss, first it was burglar alarms, I knew nearly every english burglar alarm, how to spot a fake one from a real one, that sort of thing...I also wouldn't go to sleep without it been tested every night (Once I didn't sleep at all because of this) and I have to watch it being activated, or I wouldn't know if it was on, so I wouldn't sleep.

Then, It was Zombies, Car Crash, Murder, Death, Birth, Memories, Capictal Letters, and Aeroplanes................

My Autism/Aspergers:

I get obsessed easily (^ as you can see) I cry and get panic attacks if things get moved, I don't eat ANYTHING green, which was a problem for my parents, because I got obsessed with vegans for a while, I got deathly thin, and the doctor said, If i don't start eating soon, I'd get anorexia. Which I did, for a short spell. And I do pointless things (Like when I start cutting with scissors, I get obbsesive and start sheering, I spread bits of toothpaste out until it's in line with the bench and stuff like that....

My Dyslexia:

Duh, Dyslexia. By The Way, My Sister Helps Me With All Of This Writing.

Selective Mutism:

I don't speak.......ever. I only speak to 3 people.

Signing Off, Valentina X :D :angry: :angry:

I wouldn't say I have ADD, but I find it really hard to pay attention to something for more than a minute. Like I may be sweeping, and then I just stop and go do something else. I don't know if it's just cuz I'm lazy (Which I am lol) but it happens sometimes. But when I'm really interested in something I could sit there for hours. I'm weird xD

I think I have mild (and i mean mild) cases of OCD and ADD

Plus I have anxiety attacks.

Edit: Whoops, i forgot, Pica.

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albinoism, i had to dye my hair brown, and get brown contacts so people would stop picking on me =/

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