Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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No, but there's this guy I have a crush on. He's like one of my best guy friends. He's really funny, listens to my problems, and always seems to make me laugh when I'm down. <3

I don't think he likes me like that, though.

I'm the same way. He's my neighbor and lives right beneath me. He's quite perverted, but that's what makes him funny. He's in two of my classes. Although unfortunately he likes this girl at our school and he's moving to cali! This girl is beautiful.She's one of those preppy stuck up chics. She may look it, but she's not. She even talks to me and calls me her homie. I'm not mad at him, but extremely jealous. I hang out with him all the time and it just hurts that I haven't met a guy like this before. My mom doesn't even recommend dating my neighbors because if you break up then my other neighbors will be confused, although I don't think this will happen. But after reading your post OldSchoolTama, i feel slightly more optimistic, because at first you might as well not date if you're in highschool cause of colledge and stuff, but now there's a chance

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I've a lovely boyfriend called Jonathan. He's 25, tall, scruffy, and studies rocks for a living (he's a geologist). I make fun of him by giving him presents like pet rocks, or T-shirts that say 'I rock'....

We've been together 4 years now and never fallen out once. We don't live together but I see him almost every day. I love him to bits. He puts up with by Tamagotchi and bug obsessions, takes me to anime conventions and still buys me flowers :)

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world :)

Yes, I do. I have a girlfriend, we've been together for about a month or more now. Going on 2 months on the 25th.

No and I am not planning to have one soon. This year (Grade 6) is the year when rumours are spread around and fake romance is established.

In this case, I don't want to get involved, so I never hang out with a boy for more than 15 minutes (unless there is a project in which the teacher chooses a partner for you).

However I think some boys 'like like' me as some of them follow me around.

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grade six. girlfriend. rumors that only my friends know. life can be hard and right now it can be if someone else knew. yes, I have a girlfriend and my parents don't really care unless of serious relationship stuff, but yes I have a girlfriend for 6 months to be exact.

Nope. :) Imma kinda happy about it. No one in my school ever last over a month. Besides like one person. :p

I'd rather stick with my friends till atleast 9th grade. ( which is next year! Oh yeaah! ;D)


I really like this guy named Ryan, I would ask him out, but the problem is that he is going out with this girl. I wouldn't call her a friend, even though we were really close last year, but that was before she ditched me, and stabbed me in the back. Then after summer vacation she acts like nothing's wrong. Uh. Okay then?

gettingofftopicsorryaboutthat. :x

I also have a small little crush on this guy named Brandon, he's really sweet. I would never go out with him though, he's a real big flirt. xD

Erm... I'm a bit young to have a boyfriend (13 going on 14), but, my best friend, well... You might as well consider him my boyfriend, as, when we vacation together, that's what we tell others we are. We've done everything short of more adult, physical relations (meaning we've done hand holding, slight kisses, etc.), which surprises me as I would sooner jump off of a ledge than be touched by anyone, much less members of the opposite sex.

So, I guess that would be an undefined?

= Hoping Em never sees this =


- Nae

I want one, but seventh grade is so stressful. There's only been two girls i really liked, and two rejections, but theres this one where i know she likes me and i like her, but i dont know what to do... she hugs me everytime i see her, but she does that with many boys, but i like her a lot.... um.... can someone who has a girlfriend (seeing as im a boy) help me?!?

Uh, I sorta do now. c:

His name is Robbie. He's a weird kiddo just like me. He makes me laugh like no one else ever has. And he's a musician, which I love.

Oh, Also, I'm a freshman and so is he. So it's not like a serious thing but it's not exactly immature. (if that makes sense.)

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I have an unofficial fiancee. We've been together for 8 months, soon to be 9 and we've already talked about getting married. We're waiting until we move in together before we make it official :) His name is Keith and he's started his own fragrance business and is doing fine.

I want one, but seventh grade is so stressful. There's only been two girls i really liked, and two rejections, but theres this one where i know she likes me and i like her, but i dont know what to do... she hugs me everytime i see her, but she does that with many boys, but i like her a lot.... um.... can someone who has a girlfriend (seeing as im a boy) help me?!?
Stay friends with her, and don't date her till you get to high school. Relationships never really last in middle school, unless it's childhood love or first sight for both love.

And I don't plan to have a boyfriend till high school. Unless of course, there's any love at first sight.

I really want one but the guy i liked, I gave him a note and everything but he didn't really care so i'm trying for a different guy now! The guy I'm trying for now is called James Bently and he has blond hair, pretty smart, cute, really athletic and plays a musical instrument! So perfect and dreamy! ;) Too bad he gets in trouble alot... :(

I am currently single. I have crush, of course. NO one knows who, though. like, NO one. Anyway, I have offers, but I dnt believe in dating who ever asks you out.

I've got a date on Saturday. One of my guy friends told me that my weekends have been pathetic since my boyfriend & I broke up, so he's taking me out. I think he's a total dork for doing it, but Tarryn (KERFUFFLE) thinks it's cute. Haha.

^^ Hahaha, well, sure, it wasn't the most sensitive comment I've ever heard in the world, and I also didn't read it quite that way when you told me, so it is a little less cute than I first thought. But, still, I think it's nice of him to take you out.

Believe me, it would be nice for someone to take me out. The closest thing I have to a date is on Monday when I have to prepare a song for Prom with my guy friend 'cause he's rapping for me, and that's what he called it. And the guy who likes me doesn't leave his own front room unless he's playing the tuba in some brass band, and my feelings for him are not mutual.

Psh, yeah, I'm very much single right now.

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