That happened to me about a month and a half ago, ha.Not anymore.. He was a douche. He just left me randomly, then wanted me back. He really needs to figure himself out, hahah.I have my eyes on someone else at the moment.. just hope for the best.
Dude, I'm in kind of a similar situation DX I like my ex's best friend, but on the flip side he likes MY best friend. And so does the guy I like TT^TT Everyone's in love with her and I'm just left in the dust.. life sucksThat happened to me about a month and a half ago, ha.
Now I have my eye on my ex's best friend... which makes me sound like a terrible person, but I can't help it. His best friend and I were really close before my ex and initially started going out. And he likes me. A lot. But it's sticky because he has a girlfriend and they've been going out for over a year and a half... ugh. I really don't know what's going to happen with this :/