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Hehe, random question, but do you like taking pictures of people when they aren't looking? I do. xD
Yea i LOVE it!!! :blink: :D Especially my brother! hehe He'll be on the computer and if he does something funny (like pick his nose! eeewww!) i'll grab the camera and take a picture of him! :ph34r: It's hilarious!!! But then he gets all mad at me and he'll start hitting me and stuff... :mellow:

Can you post the pictures?
No :mellow: I don't have the connector which lets you put the images onto your computer. I have a scanner, but I couldn't post the video xP


Once when my friend came out of the bathroom. I jumped RIGHT WHEN she was about to get out and shouted: "WASH! your hands...." and she's like "OH *BEEP!*" I swear I almost died of laughter. XD


Once when my friend came out of the bathroom. I jumped RIGHT WHEN she was about to get out and shouted: "WASH! your hands...." and she's like "OH *BEEP!*" I swear I almost died of laughter. XD
Hehe, hilarious!!! :) I once got a 2p coin, and tried to burst out on RabbitDog, but she heard me coming... darn it. :mellow: xDDD

I take action-shots all the type. :)

I have ones of my Mum falling over, my friend shouting, my Nan's finger over the camera lens...LOL-LOL-LOL!!!!!

I take action-shots all the type. :furawatchi: I have ones of my Mum falling over, my friend shouting, my Nan's finger over the camera lens...LOL-LOL-LOL!!!!!
Hehe, I forgot to say.... I have one of my great-uncle pointing a cigarette in anger at someone!!! :furawatchi:

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